Chapter 17.

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I want to dedicate this chapter to a good friend. She quit Wattpad, and thus won't read this, but I don't care. I wrote this chapter for her anyway.

Asami's POV.

I poked Madara's cheek, but once again, he didn't respond. His eyes were closed, and his bangs hung in front of his face. I had to admit; Madara looked pretty cute when he was asleep.

Keiji sighed and rubbed his temples. ''Asami-san, leave him be. He worked the whole night.''

I pouted and poked Madara again. ''I don't care. It's his fault for working till midnight.'' I chuckled. For once, he didn't have that frown on his face, making him look peaceful. He'll get wrinkles if he always keeps that frown on his face. Always when he was doing paperwork, he would frown, like he was thinking very deeply about something.

I came here to ask Madara if I could help him. I didn't have anything to do lately. With Yumi being injured, and Hashirama and Mito busy with planning their wedding, I had nothing to do. Mito told me she didn't need my help yet, and I already visited Yumi today. She was already doing better, and she can move around know, but she still needs rest.

But since Madara was the Uchiha clan leader, he couldn't go out whenever he wanted to, so I figured I should just help him with his paperwork. I didn't mind doing it. Listening to Madara's complaints all day is pretty amusing.

I poked Madara's cheek again, but his time I got a response. Madara stirred a bit, making more hair fall in front of his face. I smirked smugly as I brought my forefinger to his face again. Watching his reactions was pretty funny.

Keiji suddenly grabbed my wrist, stopping my movement. ''Stop it, Asami-san.'' he whined. ''Madara-sama will not be happy about this.''

I sighed and nodded. ''Fine, I'll stop.''

Keiji smiled gratefully, and glanced at the sleeping male. I wonder if he would wake him up. I didn't know till how late he worked, but it was already noon now. When Keiji pursed his lips, and letting out a soft sigh, he turned around. I smiled. He wasn't paying attention.

I raised my hand, but before I could poke Madara's cheek again, a hand grabbed my finger.

''Do that again and I won't hesitate to bite your finger off.'' Madara growled as he raised his head from the table. I chuckled nervously as he released me. Somebody woke up in a bad mood. Madara sighed as he ran his hands through his hair. ''What are you doing here, Asami?''

''Can't I visit anymore?'' I asked. ''I came to help though.''

''How exactly are you helping?'' Madara grumbled as he picked up his pencil and took a good look at the papers on his desk. He was being very grumpy. ''If you don't appreciate it, then I'll go.'' I mumbled as I got off his desk, but I was stopped when a firm hand grabbed my wrist. ''Wait.'' I heard Madara sigh. ''I didn't mean it like that. I just woke up after I worked for hours.. I don't understand why you even want to help me.''

I smiled and turned around. ''Since Keiji can't help you lately, I thought I would do it, so I can be useful, and I learn a few things at the same time.''

It's true that Madara had to work longer now Keiji was almost every day away from Konoha. He, and a few others, were still searching for the remaining members of the Takana clan. That clan hurt many innocent people in this village, and Hashirama wanted to bring them to justice, so he appointed a few people to the task to track them down and bring them to the village.

Madara's POV.

I looked at Asami. Wanting to be useful? She cared too much about what others thought of her, while she didn't care about that when I first met her. Does she have the feeling she isn't doing enough? It's true that Asami doesn't really have to do something specifically in the village, like leading a clan, take care of the sick, or work in a restaurant or whatever. It's true that Asami gets food, drinks, everything she needs, without really working for it. Did she think she was being spoilt? Is that why she wants to help so badly?

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