Chapter 18. Different.

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Dedicated to my good friend Aoi_chii! :)

Asami's POV.

I silently watched the scenery outside, while I sat at the table inside, having dinner with Mito, Hashirama and Tobirama. Nobody really said anything, we all ate in silence. Today, I got to help Mito. I went with a few other girls to buy Mito's wedding dress. The dress fits very closely to the contours of the body and has a straight skirt with no waist. Mito look beautiful.

The day she gets married is coming closer and closer, and I have the feeling I am even more nervous than she is. Mito always looks so calm and collected. But was still wondering.. does Mito love Hashirama? They look happy, or was it all an act? Mito never gave me a real answer, and when she gave me one, I couldn't tell if she was lying or not. They got to know each other better the last few months, but was it long enough for them to fall in love? Or were they now nothing more than friends?


''Huh?'' I was snapped out of my thoughts, and averted my gaze from the window. Everyone was looking at me.

''Are you okay?'' Tobirama asked. ''You look a bit distracted.''

I smiled. ''I'm fine.''

I wasn't really. Some things had been bothering me lately. Especially the fact that Tobirama could say such horrible things about Madara. I knew they weren't exactly friends, and they didn't have to be best buddies for all I care, but saying things like that.. I just couldn't accept that! Of course I would never tell Tobirama. I was a bit afraid of him. He always looked so angry, while Madara just looked emotionless. Sometimes I didn't understand how people couldn't even be a bit afraid of the silver haired Senju. He rarely smiled.

Was it because he was a Senju? I knew the Uchiha clan was a fearful clan, but now they were allies, so why weren't they treated equally? Why were they the only one treated like they weren't welcome here, especially Madara? Sometimes when I visited the Uchiha compound, I noticed that even Madara's own people were unhappy about him being the leader. I wondered why, because I knew that Madara was trying really hard to lead his clan, and I thought he did a great job. He just does it in his own way. He wasn't leading while trying to listen to everybody's wishes. He was leading the way he thought was best. He wanted the best for his clan. Was I the only one who noticed this? Was I the only one who thought this way?

''I'm not so hungry anymore.'' I muttered as I shoved the plate with food away from me. I already ate ramen with Keiji at a ramen shop before he left. He told me Madara didn't want to see anyone. It's understandable after what happened. Hashirama became the First Hokage after all. ''Hashirama-sama?'' I asked, looking at him. His gentle brown eyes met mine, and he smiled. ''Yes, Asami?''

''Can I talk to you?'' I asked. ''After dinner?''

Hashirama frowned slightly before nodding. ''Of course.''

I felt Mito's eyes on me. She was probably wondering why I couldn't say it here and now. I could, but I simply didn't want to. I knew Mito would launch all kinds of questions at me, something I wasn't really looking forward to. I just figured I should ask Hashirama first before I would tell Mito. I knew she maybe would feel a bit betrayed, but I wanted to live like the others of my own clan. I didn't want to get special treatment just because I was Mito's sister. I didn't need maids, expensive food or whatever. I just wanted to live a simple life, and feel at home.

Madara's POV.

Things weren't supposed to turn out this way. When Hashirama told me he wanted me to become the Hokage, I was surprised. I had mixed feelings about it, but I couldn't say I didn't like it. But now was Hashirama the one who became Hokage after all. I felt a bit.. betrayed. Not only by the Senju, but by my own clan as well. They are beginning to turn their backs on me after I told them I thought that we would be made subservient to the Senju, but they said I only wanted war again because I didn't get what I wanted, which is not true. It's true that things weren't favorable for me, but I didn't want war again. I wanted to protect my clan, not destroy it.

Who could I trust now? Not the Senju, not even my own clan. Keiji? Could I still trust  him, or was he siding with the ones who oppose me all along? And Asami? She said I could trust her, and she understood me, but she lived with the Senju, so was she still trustworthy? I clenched my jaw at that thought. Not being able to trust Asami anymore.. She was one of the very few I could go to when something was bothering me. She would listen and sometimes help me, give advice and keep me company, even if I didn't ask for all that. I didn't even know why she would do that for me, I didn't even know why Asami would even come to me, since she lives with the Senju. Wasn't she afraid? Didn't she feel intimidated around me? Asami did waver under my glare at first, but now she just smiles.

What would I do without Keiji and Asami? No one else is left to trust besides them. Only they really knew me for who I was, and not for who people thought I was. They have seen sides of me who nobody else have seen before. They were nice to me, even thought I hardly returned that kindness. They would stay no matter what I told them, even if I were to hate them, they wouldn't hate me.

Why were they so different from the rest?

Asami's POV.

''You know you don't need my permission for that, Asami.'' Hashirama spoke, an amusing smile on his face.

I pursed my lips and looked up to him. ''I know, but I wanted to ask it. I don't want to make you guys feel like I don't like being around you.'' I explained. Hashirama nodded ''I know what you mean, and I understand how you feel about this. Are you going to move in today?''

''Yes.'' I answered.

''You can ask Tobirama to help carrying your bags, if you can't do it alone.'' And I thought I was lazy.. I smiled and shook my head. ''No, it's not that much. Just two bags, I can carry them by myself.'' I said. ''Anyway, I'll be going now. I guess I'll see you around, Hashirama-sama.''

The Senju smiled, and I left his office, but froze when I saw Mito leaning against the wall. ''Did you hear everything?'' I mumbled, and Mito nodded, a soft smile on her face. ''You couldn't tell me earlier?''

''I wanted to.'' I admitted. ''But..''

Mito rolled her eyes and placed her hand on my head. ''You worry too much about what others think. It's not like I won't see you again, so don't make such a big deal out of this.''

I looked up to her as she pulled her hand back. ''Mito..''

''Anyway, I have to get going now. I assume you come tomorrow to help me again? My wedding is soon..''

I smiled widely and nodded. ''I'll be here.''


Madara a bit OOC?

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