Chapter 2. Supper?

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Asami's POV.

''Stupid Mito.'' I grumbled as I left the Senju compound. Tobirama-san wanted to go to Sarutobi Hiroaki to give him a scroll, but Mito had to butt in! ''Asami, why don't you go to Hiroaki and give him the scroll?'' I mimicked her stern and serious voice. Why did I have to do it? I bet she just wanted me away from her.

Hashirama wanted to show me around the village, and I was so excited, but Mito had to ruin it! She is so stupid... I mean, where the Hell is the Sarutobi compound?! I just arrived here and I immediately have to go to I don't know where to give this to a person I don't even know! I mean, how does this Hiroaki even look like? Mito had pushed me out of the room, not even giving me the chance to ask where I am suppose to go.

Wow, she must really hate me..

I wasn't paying attention. Again. I really have to do something about that.. Anyway, I I bumped into someone, again. I stumbled backwards and fell on my butt. I grimaced and glared at the person in front of me as I looked up, but my gaze softened immediately. A man with short black hair and black eyes looked down at me, looking concerned. ''I'm sorry, are you alright?''

I sighed and nodded. ''I'm fine.. I'm kinda used to this..''

The man laughed softly and held his hand out. I happily took it and he pulled me on my feet. ''I am Uchiha Keiji.'' he introduced himself.

''Uzumaki Asami.''

Keiji narrowed his eyes on me and I frowned at him. ''Uzumaki? Are you Mito's sister?'' he asked curiously.

''Yeah..'' I replied slightly annoyed. Keiji chuckled and picked up the scroll and dusted it off before he gave it back to me. I smiled at him and took the scroll from him. He was actually the first one I met in this village who was actually nice to me, besides Hashirama.

''It was nice to meet you, Asami-san.'' Keiji spoke politely. He walked away, and I looked down at the scroll. I still didn't know where the Sarutobi compound was..

My eyes widened and I quickly turned around and ran after Keiji. ''Oi, Keiji!! Wait up!''

Mito's POV.

''You really didn't need to send her away. Tobirama could do it himself.'' Hashirama mumbled. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. ''Asami always stands in my way.''

Hashirama sighed softly and sat down on the couch. ''Asami looks very nice to me. Why do you hate her so much?''

I grimaced and pursed my lips. ''She always got what she wanted in the past, that's why she is so selfish now, she.. she's just annoying!''

Hashirama raised an eyebrow and patted the spot next to him. I sighed and sat down next to him.

''I don't know what happened in the past, but Asami doesn't look very selfish to me.'' he spoke softly. ''She's just back Mito, she can be different now. She's older now, so she may be wiser..''

I laughed mockingly and a small smile played on my lips. ''She's just as stupid and dumb as I remember.''

Asami's POV.

''Thank you. Tobirama already told me he would bring this to me.''

I smiled awkwardly at Hiroaki, and he smiled warmly in response. I was about to walk away, not feeling very comfortable around Hiroaki, but his cold hand grabbed my wrist. ''Are you new here, I haven't seen you before?''

I nodded shortly and turned around to face him. I have to admit he was kinda handsome, but I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around him. He had aura that made me shiver. ''Yes, I'm just arrived an hour ago.'' I murmured.

I quickly glanced over my shoulder, but Keiji had already left, making me even feel more uncomfortable. I looked back at Hiroaki and he smiled again. His smile began to creep me out.. ''Err, I should really go.'' I mumbled. Hiraoku smiled at me again and nodded. ''I guess I'll see you around.'' he spoke.

I nodded and swallowed thickly. He let go of my wrist and I quickly left the Sarutobi compound.

Hashirama's POV.

''Asami, you're finally back! What took so long?''

Asami looked at me and forced a smile. ''I just talked to Hiroaki for a bit..'' she mumbled.

She didn't look very happy, but I shrugged it off. ''You're just in time.''

Asami frowned at me. ''Just in time? For what?''

I smiled widely. ''For supper! To celebrate your arrival. Some important members of my clan will come too, you should get ready.'' I told her, and Asami blinked a few times. ''W-What? I don't even have any clothes to wear!'' she protested.

I smirked and called for some maids. ''Don't worry, the maids will take care of everything.''

Asami looked at the maids, and then at me. I motioned for her to follow them and she let out a sigh. ''Fine.'' she grumbled before she followed the maids.

Asami's POV.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

I hated being dressed like this. I was wearing a white high-collards yukata, and my red hair hung loosely around my left shoulder. A forest green obi with the symbol of Uzushiogakure was tied around my waist. There was one bun in my hair on the right side of my head, and a tag with kanji written on it hung at the bun. There were also some pink flowers in my hair, that covered the bun for a bit. I had a yellow/gold thing in my hair, I don't even know what's it called! Mito always wore it, but I haven't even touched it once in whole my life. I felt weird, and I felt very uncomfortable in these clothes. I managed to convince the maids I didn't need any hairpins, and all the other stuff they wanted to put in my hair. (see the picture at the side ->)

I refused to wear any lipstick, but I was wearing a light shade of purple eye shadow, but it was hardly noticeable.

I sighed when the maids were finally done. They smiled at me, but I faked a smile before I got up and left the room. They were very kind and nice, unlike Mito, but they were kind of annoying too. They were squealing about how beautiful I was looking, like they were bragging about how nicely they dressed me.

And in a few minutes, I would be having supper with some important members of the Senju Clan. I was not looking forward to it, especially because the supper was to celebrate my arrival. I loved it simple. I didn't want supper, I don't want some expensive and weird food. I'm already happy with some ramen!


I looked to my right and saw Mito standing there, glancing at me with a serious expression on her face. I forced a smile, trying to brighten up the mood, but it didn't really help.

It was already worse enough with Mito, and now all those important people would come. Don't forget Tobirama, I had a feeling he disliked me too.

How the Hell am I going to survive this?

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