Chapter 9.

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Asami's POV.

I watched Madara as he kept sending glares at random people who just glanced at him. Of course those poor people quickly walked further. Keiji had already bought his seventh dango, and he was softly nibbling on it. Madara was clearly annoyed by this. Keiji told me what happened between the owner of this shop and Madara. I thought it was pretty funny how pissed Madara got, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for the old man. I understand that Madara can be very..intimidating sometimes, but I believe he can be a kind man too.

''Asami.'' I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Keiji's voice. I looked at him and smiled. ''Yes, Keiji-san?''

''I heard Mito-san is good at fuinjutsu, and since I don't know very much about you, so will you tell me some about yourself?'' Keiji asked, his eyes glinting curiously. This questioned seemed to have piqued Madara's interest too, because he looked at me as well as Keiji. Feeling a bit uncomfortable under their gazes, I squirmed in my chair. What should I say? I'm not good at ninjutsu and genjutsu. Taijutsu is more my thing, but of course I was, just like Mito, very good in fuinjutsu. Almost all members of the Uzumaki clan have much knowledge in the art of fūinjutsu,

''Well, I'm especially specialized in fuinjutsu..'' I began. ''Ninjutsu and genjutsu aren't really my thing. I'm hopeless when it comes to that..'' I smiled sheepishly, feeling slightly embarrassed. Madara and Keiji were two great shinobi, and they were well known. They had the Sharingan and Madara had incredible chakra as well. I could clearly sense it. Compared to them, I'm...

''Women don't belong on the battlefield.'' Madara mumbled suddenly. ''They should be in the kitchen.''

My smile was immediately gone and I glared at Madara.''What? Because we're weak?!''

Madara chuckled, obviously amused by my sudden outburst, while Keiji shot me a warning look. I ignored Keiji and kept my eyes on Madara, and he raised an eyebrow at me. ''Now, don't look like that..'' he muttered.

''Women can fight just as well as men.'' I stated. ''Just because you're one of the strongest in this era doesn't mean you can look down on others and say what you want just like that!''

Madara just calmly stared at me, but his slightly twitching eyebrow told me he was irritated by my behaviour. I heard Keiji swallow thickly and Madara stood up. ''I would watch your words, if I were you, Asami-san.'' He spoke lowly. I clenched my fists. Picking a fight with Madara is not a really good idea, but he couldn't just say things like that. I am a kunoichi after all. Madara can say all he want, but I won't just stand here and listen to him! People really have been underestimating me. First Mito, and now Madara?

''Oi, Asami! I was looking everywhere for you!"'

I was snapped out of my thoughts and looked over my shoulder, seeing a certain brunette walking at me. ''Yumi..''

''Keiji, let's go. I have no intention of staying any longer at this lame festival..'' Madara grumbled. Keiji quickly nodded and flashed me one weak smile before he ran off after his leader. Madara can be such a jerk sometimes! No wonder some people around here dislike him.

''Are you hungry?'' Yumi asked. ''I saw a great restaurant when I was looking for you, shall we go there?!'' Yumi asked excitedly.

''Yeah, sure..''

Madara's POV.

I never thought Asami would talk back to me like that. She knew she couldn't win an arguement like that. Asami is a woman you don't see very often. She's clumsy, childish smart and dumb at the same time, and annoying at some times as well. She treats people with respect, but I could see in her eyes that she didn't always like it to act that way, and now she even had the guts to talk to me like that. I can say and do what I want, and I won't listen to anyone, especially to little girls that think that they can say whatever they want, while they're weak and powerless. Asami can make herself look tough with her words, but I can bring her down without even breaking a sweat.

I sighed as we walked over the empty streets in the Uchiha compound. Everyone was still at that festival. I've shown my face, so I've done enough. I glanced at Keiji, and glared at him once I saw he was nibbling at another dango. Grunting, I grabbed the stick and threw it over the walls, into an other clan's compound. Keiji pouted and I rolled my eyes. He just ate one and he was already addicted to those things, eating more of them right after he had eaten the first one, and only because he didn't want to make that old fool angry.

Keiji is sometimes too kind, but on the battlefield me is a whole other person. Merciless..

Mito's POV.

I couldn't find Asami anywhere. I wanted to talk to her. I know I've been hard on her the last few weeks, and back in Uzushiogakure. Asami was always so stubborn in the past, and she still is sometimes.. Asami can be so childish, but the way I've seen her these last few days..

A small smile appeared on my lips.


Sorry for the long wait.. The thing is.. I have a lot of ideas for this story, but I don't want to rush.. I just don't know what to write between this chapter and the chapters where I'm going to use my ideas.. And I also still have no idea how to get Madara and Asami together...

So that's the reason if I don't update so often.. I am already slow, but this makes it worse..

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.  :)

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