Chapter 30. Rising Suspicousness.

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I couldn't bring my precious laptop with me, and I won't be back home for about 11 days, so sorry if there are any grammar or spelling errors, I'll fix them once I'm back home :)

Madara's POV.

Staring at the ceiling, I waited for time to pass. I woke up way to early, and could, for some reason, not fall asleep again.

I turned my head once I heard Asami hum next to me. I let her stay over at my place yesterday, and let her borrow one of my shirts. She was way slimer and shorter than me, so it could easily be used as a night gown.

Asami was using my arm as pillow, still fast asleep. It would be soon that she'd have to choose a side; the village or me. I knew she wanted both, but that wouldn't be possible in the near future. I didn't have much to lose, but I wanted to keep what I have now, and that included Asami.

I carefully lifted her head and pulled my arm back before placing her head on the pillow. She squirmed a bit, but didn't wake up. Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair, removing some strands from my face. Keiji was probably already awake and I had to get ready as well.

After getting dressed, I left Asami in my bedroom and went downstairs where, just as I expected, Keiji was having breakfast. "Good morning, Madara-sama." He greeted me happily. "Have you slept well?"

I merely nodded in reply before sitting down on the other side of the table.

"What would you like to have for breakfast?" Keiji asked.

"I'm not hungry."

"And Asami-san?"

"Still asleep."

"I see." Keiji muttered. "We have to depart in two hours, will she awake within this time?"

I nodded. ''She will.''

Asami's POV.

Burying my face in the pillow, I decided to stay still just a little longer. Madara wasn't here anymore. I didn't think he'd already left because he wouldn't leave me alone in his own house. I didn't have a key so I wouldn't be able to lock the door when I'd leave.

Even though I knew that I actually had to get dressed soon, so I wouldn't bother Madara and Keiji with staying here any longer, I kept lying in the bed. It was just so much bigger and softer than my own. I had to admit that I was pretty jealous.

Forcing myself to sit up, I decided to get out of bed, even though I didn't want to. I walked at Madara's desk, where I left my clothes last night, and pulled the shirt I borrowed from Madara over my head and folded it neatly before placing it on the desk. While putting on my clothes, I noticed a purple bruise on my upper arm. It wasn't only noticeable, I also felt quite some pain when I moved my arm. Recalling what happened the day before, I remembered that Madara had squeezed my arm rather roughly. It was just a bruise, so it should be gone after a few days. After I had put on all my clothes, I fixed my hair a bit before going downstairs.

The first thing I saw when I entered the kitchen was Keiji doing the dishes, and then I saw Madara playing with a kunai, twirling it around his finger.

I couldn't supress a smile. I felt oddly at home here. ''Good morning.''

Both the Uchiha looked at me. ''Good morning.'' Keiji grinned. Madara motioned for me to sit down on the chair across the table, and I did as he asked.

''Would you like to have something to eat, Asami-san?'' Keiji asked politely.

''I'll eat at home.'' I answered. ''But thanks for the offer.''

Keiji nodded and lifted up a plate and began to dry it. Turning my gaze to Madara, I saw him looking out of the window. He seemed to be deep in thoughts, and I wondered what he was thinking about. I couldn't tell if it was a good or a bad thing since the look in his eyes didn't give away how he was feeling.

When he noticed me staring, he looked right back at me, raising an eyebrow. ''Is there something?''

I chuckled and shook my head. ''No.'' I replied. ''I was just looking.''

''Madara-sama.'' Keiji spoke up. ''Hashirama-sama will be here soon.''

Madara scoffed and leaned back into his chair. He was obviously not looking forward to spending his day with the Senju. ''They can wait.''

''That wouldn't be polite, Madara-sama.'' Keiji mumbled. ''To keep the Senju close to us we should get on their good side, and don't make bad impressions.''

Madara sighed in defeat and stood up. ''Fine. Grab your stuff and we'll wait for them in front of our house.''

Keiji nodded and left the kitchen. Madara looked down at me. ''You should leave. Hashirama, and especially Tobirama, will get suspicious if they were to see you here.''

I nodded in understanding and shoved the chair a bit away from me so I had the room to stand up. After I put the chair back in its place, I turned around to face Madara. ''Thank you for letting me stay here.''

Madara sighed. ''Don't thank me, you've spend the night here before.''

I smiled and stood on my toes to peck his cheek. ''I'm still grateful for your hospitality.'' I muttered as I was about to pull away.

Madara grabbed my waist, holding me in my place, and tilted my head after grabbing my chin. I heard my heart pound in my chest as I looked into his coal-colored eyes. He chuckled and I shivered once his hand went down my neck from my chin to my shoulder, his gloved fingers caressing my skin. ''You're welcome then.'' he whispered and as his face came closer to mine, he faintly brushed his lips against mine before making solid contact.

My eyes fluttered close as I easily gave into the kiss. Madara moved his hand, bringing it from my shoulder to my upper arm, and I flinched once he touched the bruise he left on me yesterday during our fight.

Madara noticed my sudden movement and pulled away, narrowing his eyes. He was about to say something, but Keiji interrupted him. ''Madara-sama, they'll be here any moment.''

Madara clenched his jaw and turned back to me. ''You show me that once I'm back.''

I nodded, knowing I didn't have a choice to begin with. After I said goodbye to Madara, I left his house and headed to the gate of the Uchiha compound. But just before I could leave the residence, Hashirama and his younger brother just entered.

''Asami?'' Hashirama asked surprised. ''What are you doing here?''

I chuckled nervously before replying. ''Just paying them a visit before they leave.'' I lied. ''I was just on my home.'' Lying to the Hokage was one thing I didn't want to do, but to keep the relationship between Madara and me a secret, I had no other choice.

''Really?'' Tobirama asked, obviously not believing me. Tobirama was a kind man, but even he could be a pain in the ass sometimes.

Not giving me the chance to answer Tobirama's answer, Hashirama laughed and playfully nudged Tobirama. ''If that's so then we won't stop you.''

I smiled. ''Travel safely, Hokage-sama.''

Hashirama nodded and walked past me, and Tobirama as well, but not before giving me a questioning glance.

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