Chapter 4. Meeting? What Meeting?

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Asami's POV.

''So.. Did something happen between Mito and you?'' Keiji asked as he put the cup with tea back on the table. ''You two seem a bit.. ignorant to each other.''

I smiled softly and shrugged. ''I don't know really..., but..''

Keiji frowned. ''But what?''

I sipped at my tea and sighed softly. ''Well, Mito and I were inseparable when we were just kids. She would always protect me and stand up for me.'' I put the cup back on the table and looked down at my lap. ''I got often in trouble back in the day, and Mito always helped me out. She would sometimes even take the blame for me.''

''What happened?'' Keiji asked curiously.

I swallowed thickly and shrugged again. ''I don't know precisely, but while Mito grew up, I still stayed that little kid. Some time later, I guess Mito got annoyed. I have to admit that I acted like a brat back then.. Anyway, Mito would always lecture me about my behavior, and I didn't want to disappoint her, so I tried to prove myself that. I wanted to become like her''

''It didn't work, did it?'' Keiji asked softy, sipping at his tea.

I shook my head and laughed sadly. ''Mito was so womanly, and she acted already like an adult. I admired her when she became more important to the clan. I tried to be like her, but I couldn't. Mito and I aren't the same, we are two totally different persons, with both different interests. After the destruction of Uzushiogakure, Mito wanted to take me with her to Konoha, but I refused.''

''Why didn't you just go with her?'' Keiji questioned.

I smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. ''I realized something..'' I spoke, smiling at the memory. ''I realized that I shouldn't follow Mito everywhere, but I should go my own way. I always wanted to be like Mito. I wanted to be an important part of the clan too, but I realized I could do that in my own way.''

''So you stayed behind to try to find the clan members who fled?''

I nodded and sipped at my tea again. ''Yeah. Some people were glad that I stayed behind for looked for their family. I know people are grateful to me, and I did it gladly. I liked it to travel around, and look for my clan members. I could go along with many of them. But when I arrived here, in this village, I was known as 'Mito's sister' again, just like before the destruction of Uzushiogakure.''

''What do you mean, Asami-san?'' Keiji asked confused.

I sighed softly. ''Mito's sister. I don't want to be known as 'Mito's sister', I want to be knows as 'Uzumaki Asami'. I know I am both her sister and myself, but you get what I mean, right?''

Keiji smiled and nodded. ''I think I get it. When I first met you I knew you too as Mito's sister. So if I'm right, you wanted me to know you as Asami?''

I smiled and held the empty cup on my lap. ''Yes, I know it might sound stupid and maybe a but harsh, but it really bothers me. I mean, do you like being called Uchiha-san's right hand the whole time? You would want to be called by your name too, right?''

''That's true. For only a few times I won't mind, but every time? Rather not.''

I smiled again and Keiji asked if I wanted some more tea. I politely refused and put the cup on the table. It doesn't only bothers me because they always call me 'Mito's sister', but since the relationship between Mito and me isn't really a good currently, it hurts me too. Mito doesn't treat me like I am her sister. I know I have only been trouble to her in our childhood, but isn't that time over? The trip I made before I went to this village changed me. I am not a selfish brat anymore.

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