Chapter 13. Acknowledgement.

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sorry for the long wait, but I'm just losing inspiration. I'll at least try to update once every two weeks.

Madara's POV.

She's told me everything that had happened when that clan came into the village, but one thing really bothered me. Asami said that they weren't many women and no children at all from the clan that betrayed us in the village. The other part of the clan, that I was fighting with the Uchiha and the Senju, existed of only men. So where were the women and children of that clan? They must still be hiding somewhere, but I don't think they will be a threat. If they didn't fight, they must be pretty weak, so crushing them would be an easy task.

I looked at the redhead next to me, who was sitting on the chair next to mine, while Keiji sat on the other side of the table. It was almost midnight, and we were at the Uchiha compound, in my mansion. Not only we had talked about the incident, but after Keiji came back from the mission I sent him on, things became a lot more livelier and time passed quickly. Keiji had always been so optimistic. He always has a smile plastered on his face. In some ways, he reminded me of Izuna sometimes..

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a yawn, and looked up, seeing Asami putting a hand on her mouth. She stood up and let out a sigh. ''I think I'll be going now... it's already pretty late..'' Asami mumbled sleepily.

''I'm going to sleep too.'' Keiji spoke up. ''Goodnight, Asami-san, Madara-sama.''

As Keiji left the room, Asami was about to leave too, but when she was in the doorway, she stopped and looked over her shoulder. ''Now I think about it...'' she murmured. ''Mito told me you came to the Senju compound to see me.'' A devious smirk appeared on her face, and I didn't like that smirk even one bit. ''Were you worried about me?''

Her voice had a teasing tone into it, and I grunted. ''No, I just wanted to talk about what happened, since you were one of the two who were with the clan the whole time.'' I grumbled.

Asami smiled softly and turned now fully around. ''I know, I know. I was just kidding.'' she chuckled. ''But.. thank you.''

I scoffed and folded my arms over my chest. ''You've already said that.''

The redhead smiled again. ''I know, I'm just grateful to you, Uchiha-san.'' she whispered. ''Goodnight.'' And after she said those words, she turned around and left the roo, going back to her own compound.

I sighed and sat down on the chair. When I first met her, I didn't really like her. Her attitude annoyed me, and she didn't act her age, but now I've seen a different side of her. She can be smart, strong, and incredibly stubborn. I know her story her past. Hashirama told me, and I guess he got it from Mito. Always standing on the sideline, while Mito got all the attention. Mito is a stern woman, unlike Asami. If they didn't look a bit like each other, I woudn't be able to tell they were sisters. When Uzushiogakure was attacked, Asami didn't go with Mito, but went out to look for her family. I've heard she has lost her best friend during the attack..

Asami may look like a carefree, unreliable woman, but she's not. She sought for her family, fought for her family, and is still protecting them. I can tell she is willing to fo anything to protect the ones she cares about. Asami doesn't like to be bound by rules, she just wants to be free, and I noticed that. Fooling around during meetings, just going out whenever she wants, while that behaviour is not appreciated. I can tell she's been trying to satisfy Mito; following the rules, protecting the village, thinking of ways to help us all. I heard some ideas during meetings, and I have to admit those weren't bad. Mito is hard to satisfy, and she doesn't acknowledge Asami as who she is. Mito really wants to help her turn her into a person who is loved and acknowledged by all, but she's very hard on Asami, but she does care about her very much, she just doesn't let anyone notice, but I can look right through Mito. Maybe being stern is the way to make Asami realize her mistakes when she makes them, but I think Mito can tell Asami as well whenever she's going well.

But I shouldn't complain about Mito. I haven't been nice to Asami as well sometimes. I guess we put her all under some pressure when she first came here. Yet she keeps smiling. I was wrong about her. I judged her too fast, telling myself she was some spoiled brat, while she's a woman who always cared about others, helped others and tried her best to protect others. I guess she deserved my respect, and acknowledgement. Maybe I made her sound like an amazing person now, but she still has a lot of flaws. She still is that lazy person..

I chuckled and stood up from my chair. I should go to sleep as well now. I left the living room and went upstairs. I guess I praised Asami too much in my thoughts, but of course I wouldn't tell all this to her, she has to do more than this to get me to compliment her out loud. Asami can do much better than this, but I guess she deserved this much;

''I acknowledge you as  kunoichi, Asami..'' I spoke to myself as I went into my room, closing the door behind me.


Madara is so OOC in this chapter, isn't he? Oh well, I tried by best. I have a lot of ideas for this story, but those are all ideas for the future chapters, and I have no idea what to do in the chapters before those future chapters.. So I won't update very fast.

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