Chapter 24. Peace.

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Keiji's POV.

I sat down next to Asami on the couch, wearing clean clothes. She still looked a bit terrified. I couldn't blame her, that sight was pretty horrifying.

 I was used to it, but Asami hadn't fought so many battles, especially none like these. But she should have seen something like this before. The bloodbath in Uzushiogakure, when the village was attacked? Or did this made her remember all that?

The door opened and Madara entered the room. He looked at me and motioned for me to go. I nodded ad stood up, sending Asami a small smile. I went to Madara's office, deciding I would already start with the paperwork. I hoped Asami realized that this was to protect the village, including her. Even the people we didn't belong to the Uchiha clan fought mercilessly, even though there were only a few of them.I hope this didn't affect her feelings for him.

Asami's POV.

Madara sat down next to me, but I couldn't bring myself to lift my head. What was I supposed to say or do now? Of course I had seen such corpses before, but that didn't mean I got used to seeing them. I still found it terrifying. It reminded me so much of what happened in Uzushiogakure.

There was so much chaos, collapsing buildings, and dying people. That was why I hated needless deaths.But Madara was still Madara. He was still the same person as before he went with Keiji. I knew that, but it was those images that wouldn't disappear.



''Look at me.''

I looked up, and my eyes widened when I saw that Madara's face was only a few inches away from mine. I wanted to back away, but Madara firmly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, pressing his lips a bit forcefully against mine, and he pulled away only a few seconds later.

Madara looked slightly annoyed, and I wondered if I did something wrong, but then he let out a sigh. ''I told Keiji to take you away from the gates so that you wouldn't have to see all that, and yet you looked over your shoulder.'' he muttered.

Keiji had even warned me, yet I ignored him and looked around. What I saw wasn't a pleasant sight, but what should I expect? That they would bring them back as prisoners? That'd be so unlikely.


''What?'' was his dull reply, and he leaned back into the couch.

''Do you think peace exist?''Madara turned his head, looking at me with his calm dark eyes.

''No, unfortunately not.'' he answered, his voice soft, yet I couldn't make out how he felt. ''There will always be conflict, no matter where you go. As long as there is hate, peace will be just an unreachable dream. People in this village think there is peace now, but no one knows when the next war might break out.'' He continued, sharing his thoughts with me. ''Next month, this week, tomorrow, maybe even this evening. Konoha is the village that united clans, past enemies, but that doesn't mean we don't have any other enemies anymore. There will never be peace.''

Even though everyone thinks differently about this, I thought Madara was right. I first believed in peace, like many other villagers, but now I understood I was foolish to think so.

''Why'd you ask?'' Madara questioned.

I shrugged in reply. I only wanted to know how he thought about it. I didn't know what to think anymore, but Madara cleared everyting for me. His deep thoughts made me realize the answer to my own question.

Madara's POV.

I let out a sigh once I felt something against my shoulder. Hearing her soft and rhythmic breathing was tranquilizing.Asami had fallen asleep.I couldn't blame her though, it was already pretty late. We'd been sitting her for a while now, without exchanging many words. Just her presence was enough for me.

Asami's head was against my shoulder as she was sleeping peacefully. I could tell she had trouble accepting what happened today, but she still saw me for who I was. I would have thought she would be scared or that she would look at me with revulsion, but she didn't.

Many things happened today. First with Asami, and then that clan. It made my day seem so much longer, and that was tiring.Looking at the redhead next to me, I wondered how we got to where we were now. Our bond had really strengthened after our first meeting. Back then, I never thought this would happen. Life was full of surprises. No one could predict the future. Maybe we would feel very different things for each other next year.

Sighing loudly, I decided to bring Asami to the guest room. I carefully lifted her in my arms, making sure not to wake her up, and left the room. Asami stirred lightly and for a few seconds, I thought she would open her eyes, but he didn't. She continued her slumber instead.When I finally reached the guest room, I slowly placed the redhead on the bed and looked down at her.

She had such a calm and carefree expression on her face, unlike earlier this day.But sleeping in those clothes wouldn't be very comfortable. Asami should be wearing a juban under her kimono, so it should be fine to take off the kimono. Asami should do that herself to next time she decides to fall asleep on me.

Grumbling, I started to remove the belt, and after some seconds, I prudently had taken off her kimono.I threw it over a chair and looked back at Asami. Now I noticed how slim she was, now that she was only wearing a juban. It almost seemed unhealthy, but I knew she had a big appetite. It was almost a miracle that she wasn't gaining any weight.

I grabbed the blanket and put it over her. I was surprised she hadn't woken up once. Even though I was trying to be cautious while removing her kimono, she still should have woken up since I accidentally gave her soft pushes several times.

I never knew she was such a heavy sleeper.I looked at her once more before I left the room and closed the door. Running a hand through my hair, I felt myself getting tired as well, but I couldn't go to sleep yet.

Paperwork is such a bummer.


Quick question. Is there anything I can do to improve this story? I know I can make the chapters longer, but I have already trouble with getting 1000 words written, so I usually don't go any further. But since school is over in three weeks, I have more time to write, so what more can I do to improve this story?

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