Chapter 19. Katsuro Mitsuru.

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Madara's POV.

''Madara-sama, Asami is here.'' I heard Keiji say outside my office. Asami.. Why was she here? To pity me? Or maybe to laugh at me? Should I even let her in? I didn't even know at whose side she was standing. Mine? Or Hashirama and Tobirama's? I guess I would find out now. ''Let her in.''

The door opened and the redhead peeked into my office, a small smile appearing on her face when she saw me. For some reason, I felt a bit reassured now. Asami closed the door and turned around to face me. ''Let's go.''

I frowned at her. ''Go where?''

Asami grinned and walked towards me, sitting on my desk once she reached it. ''You've been locking yourself in here, so I'm taking you to the ramen shop.'' she explained. ''Don't worry, I'm paying.''

She even offered to pay, so now I could hardly reject her offer, right? ''Fine.''

Not only I agreed because of the free food,  but this was also a chance to see at whose side she was standing. I asked Keiji this question this morning, and he swore loyalty to me, so I knew I could trust him, I knew he wouldn't try to deceive me. But I couldn't ask Asami this question. She wouldn't be able to answer it. Asami has lived with the Senju for a while now, and her sister was going to marry one. The Senju may even mean more to her than I do, but she also knew how I felt. I doubted she would be able to choose a side.

''Uchiha-san? Are you okay?''

Snapped out of my thoughts, I looked at Asami, who was looking at me, concern visible on her face. I sighed and stood up. ''I'm fine, and I told you to call me Madara. There's no need to be so formal.'' I muttered.

Asami smiled and moved a bit so she was standing in front of me. ''You know you can tell me everything if something is bothering you, right?''

''I know.'' I mumbled. ''But nothing is bothering me.''


Asami's POV.

''So you're living it in the Uzumaki compound now?'' Madara asked as we left the Uchiha compound. I nodded enthousiastly, but frowned when I saw amusement visible on her his face. ''What?'' I mumbled, already not liking that look.

Madara shrugged. ''Nothing.'' he muttered. ''It's just that you always try to satisfy others. Are you afraid they will be disappointed in you if you don't meet their expectations?''

I remembered some memories of my childhood. Mito was always the better one; she got more attention than me from our parents and she was respected. I became childish and did dumb and stupid things to get attention as well. My parents were dissapointed in me, even Mito sometimes. I understood them now, and I know it was all my fault. They weren't to blame. I never cared much about meaning something for my clan back then, while Mito did. Even though all that happened, I had a happy childhood. I had friends and family, I had my clan. Now all of those friends and family were gone. I only had Mito and a small part of the clan left.

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