Chapter 37. Night [Part 2]

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Asami's POV.

I shivered and bit my lip once I felt Madara's hands on my shoulders as he was standing behind me, easing the kimono off my shoulders. He did it slowly. No rushing. I appreciated that. I had to admit that I was pretty nervous. I may have kissed before I met Madara, but I never went any further than that before.

Now only wearing a juban, a thin undershirt, I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. Anxiety? Nervousness? Excitement? I didn't know. I couldn't describe it better, but it was making me feel slightly uneasy.

That feeling became stronger once Madara pressed his lips onto mine again. It didn't take long for me to get lost into the kiss and forget about all my current worries, but that feeling didn't go away. My arms wrapped themselves around Madara's neck and my hands got lost on his soft and silky hair.  From something soft, the kiss already quickly evolved into something more heated.

Madara placed his hand on the small of my back and pressed me tighter against him, deepening the kiss at the same time. My head began to spin and I firmly held onto the fabric of his attire. It became hard for me to keep up, and so I was the first one to pull away. Madara gazed into my eyes. Emotions were vaguely displayed on his face, making it unclear to me what he was currently thinking. The look in his eyes was slightly tender, yet cold, but I found it enough. Even if it was only a little, the tenderness in his black orbs made my heart pound just a bit faster.

Madara leaned in again, but this time he evaded my lips and went for my neck. Tilting my head to get better access, his breath ghosted over my skin, making me shiver. Madara began to walk forward, while I took steps back. I was afraid I'd bump into something or trip, but the secure grip Madara had on me made me feel like he wouldn't let that happen. It made me feel safe.

Once the back of my legs hit the wooden edge of the bed, Madara retreated his head and his hands found their way to my hips. My stomach began to tingle when he fumbled with the tie that kept my juban closed. It didn't take long for him to untie it. After that, he looked up to my face, like he was checking if I was really okay with it. I wouldn't be surprised if he sensed my uneasiness. Madara quickly noticed things and he could read people like an open book. Just a simple odd movement was enough for Madara to know what that person was feeling.

Smiling softly, yet weakly, I brought my hand to his face and cupped his cheek. ''I trust you.'' I whispered sincerely.

Madara grunted and grabbed the wrist of the hand that was against his cheek and took a step forward. ''That was all I needed to hear.'' he mumbled as he slightly forcefully pulled me into another kiss again. I was surprised by the sudden gesture and let out a gasp when I felt Madara's cold hands on the bare skin of my stomach. I instinctively moved away, but since I was trapped between Madara and the bed, I couldn't get away so sitting down on the bed was my only option to escape from Madara's grip.

Madara looked down at me, clearly unamused with my action, before he pulled his attire over his head and dropped it to the ground. His long, spiky hair fell onto his bare back and he ran a hand through his it before he shifted his attention back to me. Even though I had seen him shirtless before, now it made my face flush slightly.

He put one knee on the edge of the bed and leaned over me. I brought my hands to his shoulders and pulled him a bit down, connecting our lips. As always, his were soft and warm, perfectly molded into mine. The pace was already being picked up and the kiss that started off soft and gentle, became breathtaking and passionate.

When his lips left mine, he brought them to my neck again, but this time they didn't linger there. He moved to my collarbone while nipping at my neck. His hands removed the juban from my shoulders, and I took it fully off myself. Now only in my undergarments, that uneasiness began to return, slowly increasing. I've never exposed myself like this to anybody, and felt a bit uncomfortable but tried to ignore this feeling. It was not like I was going to regret this.

A shiver ran down my spine once I felt Madara's cold hands on my waist. Goosebumps rose on my skin and I squirmed slightly. ''M-Madara.'' I mumbled. ''Your hands are cold.''

Madara replied by pressing his lips to the side of my neck. At first he just kissed it, but then he began to suck. Pursing my lips, I felt strangely delighted by this action and it made my body tingle. This was all new to me, so I didn't really know what to do. Madara didn't seem to mind that I followed his lead though.

He leaned forward, making me fall backwards, my back touching the mattress. Madara hovered over me and dipped down, pressing his lips to mine in a rather rough kiss. It was still pleasurable, but it lacked the sweetness from the other kisses, but at the moment I didn't mind at all. I placed my hands on his chest  and returned the kiss.

Being so close to him felt so right, I couldn't describe it. He understood me, he almost always listened to me. He was one of the few people I could go to. Just one of his kisses could make my head spin and being in his arms made me feel safe.

That's why I didn't hesitate when I surrendered myself to him.

Madara's POV.

Staring at the ceiling, I felt Asami draw circles on my chest with her thumb as her head was resting on my shoulder. Her breathing was still slightly ragged. I knew she was tired, yet she was still awake.

Even now, after all this time, I still wondered what I did to make her love me. What did she found so appealing about me? What attracted her to me, while it repelled others?

I already knew Asami was different. She looked further into somebody before judging, unlike most average people. She wanted to get to know them better. That was probably because people never really tried to understand her when she was a child.

After hearing her breathing, that was now even, I knew she had fallen asleep. Placing my hand on the small of her back, I felt her delicate skin under my fingertips.

Asami hummed softly and shifted closer to me. Her warmth put me at ease, and her presence soothed me, but that wasn't all.

It was also strangely comforting.

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