Epilogue 1. Return.

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Don't forget that there are 2 epilogues! There is also a sequel for this epilogue. More info about that in the part after the second epilogue.

Asami's POV.

I exhaled loudly and watched my breath as it condensed in the air. It was chilly, and a thin layer of snow covered the path in front of us. His hand was cold, and I heard his repetitive puffs as he walked next to me. I buried my face further into my scarf to keep it warm, and looked down, seeing if he had done the same.

I wasn't able to suppress a smile when I saw him having his dark blue scarf pulled up to cover half of his face. It was indeed unusually cold, yet he still wanted to take a walk, and I could understand why. The trees in the forest were beautiful when coated with snow. And we didn't really have anything else to do at the house. We lived alone in the middle of nowhere after all.

''We're almost back.'' I muttered as I gave his hand a soft squeeze.

I heard Kouta whine and he pulled at my hand. ''I don't want to go back yet.''

I pursed my lips. It was too cold for me to stay outside any longer, but if I said no to Kouta, he was going to be persistent and also slightly demanding.

That reminded me of someone.

A small smile spread across my lips, and I looked up to the blue sky, which was filled with grey clouds. Even though Kouta acted the same like his father sometimes, his appearance was different. His hair was a darker shade of blue, his face was more round, and his skin color was lighter. His eyes were completely the same, though, except he didn't have creases under them.

As we neared our house, I put my hand in my pocket and took out an iron key. It would be a miracle if somebody would find the house, but I still locked it to be sure no one would enter. Sticking the key into the keyhole, I turned it, unlocking the door, and then opened it. Kouta let go of my hand and went into our home before me.

I closed the door and took off my jacket and my scarf. My hands tingled from the cold, and I rubbed them together to warm them up. When I came into the living room, which was in the same room as the kitchen due to the smallness of the house, I saw Kouta sitting in front of the fireplace. His coat was lying on the ground and he still had his thick scarf around his neck.

I chuckled and picked up his coat, and hung it over a chair before I went to my son. I crouched down in front of him, making sure not to touch the fireplace, and grabbed the end of the length of fabric, unwrapping it. It was a bit wet and slightly covered in snow that had fallen during our walk.

I stood up again and dropped the scarf over his coat. Knowing him, drying it now wouldn't really help. He was going outside again in a few minutes anyway.

''Kou?'' I called as I walked to the countertop. ''Do you want some hot chocolate?''

I saw him nod as he didn't avert his gaze from the flames, and opened the fridge. At the same time, I heard the door open, and shortly after, I heard Kouta run through the room. ''Daddy!''

I held the cup I just took out of the cabinet tighter. Everytime Kouta called him that, I felt sorry for him, and also for myself. ''Kou, he's not-'' ''It's fine, Asami-san.'' I heard Keiji say. ''I don't really mind.''

Kouta knew that Keiji wasn't his real father, but he was him as a replacement. It was understandable. Keiji was a father figure for him. His real dad was never here, and he has never been here since the last time I saw him, when I gave him my ring. A ring that I would never see again, but that didn't bother me. I treasured the ring, but I treasured the man I gave it to far and far more. I wanted to see him so badly, but that was not possible.

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