Chapter 20. Realization.

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Madara's POV.

I kicked a stone that was lying in the middle of the path and let out an annoyed sigh.

That Mitsuru guy.. he annoyed me. He was already talking to Asami since he arrived here, sometimes giving me short and confused looks. I didn't know why, and I didn't care. He should just return to where he came from.

Why did he even come here? Just to see Asami again?

I looked up from the path and saw the redhead and Mitsuru talking as they walked before me. Maybe I should go to Naka Shrine. Then I could continue to

decipher that stone.

Without saying anything to Asami or Mitsuru, I turned around and intended to go to Naka Shrine, but stopped when I heard Asami call out my name. ''Madara-san, where are you going?'' she asked as she caught up with me. Her kind green eyes made my expression soften, and I let out a sigh. ''Somewhere.''

Asami looked away, looking slightly disappointed. ''Oh,.. Will I see you again today?'' she asked, now looking up hopefully. Now I was the one who looked away. ''Probably not.'' I murmured, more coldly than intended.

''..Alright then..'' Asami mumbled softly. ''I'll be going then as well.'' Asami walked away, quickly going back to her friend. I may have been acting a bit cold towards her, and that might have chased her away now. Normally, she would stay and ask further, but Asami seemed a bit more hesitant lately. Seems I wasn't the only one with some problems..

Asami's POV.

Madara's words were harsher than expected. He said 'probably not' like he didn't even want to see me. Balling my fists, I looked at the ground. He was distancing himself. I didn't like it. Didn't he ever feel lonely? When I looked into his eyes a few minutes ago, I could see sadness. I've been around Madara long enough to know how he really feels, even if he doesn't express that emotion.

He knew that he could always talk to me if something was bothering him, and I knew things were bothering him, but he won't talk to me about them. He didn't want to rely on me? To trust me? Did he still think I was a weak, unreliable little girl? I may not be very strong, but he can depend on me. I would always be there for him, but he didn't realize that. Even if Madara thought he didn't need anyone else, and that he could do everything on his own, I would prove him wrong. He may like loneliness, but no one can live without each other. Unlike Madara, I didn't like being alone. It made me feel lonely, sad, and helpless.

''..sami. Asami?''

''Huh?'' I was snapped out of my thoughts, and looked at Mitsuru. ''Sorry..''

Mitsuru sighed and put an arm around my shoulders. ''Something wrong?''

I shook my head, and smiled softly, looking at the cloudless, blue sky above me. ''No.'' I answered, obviously lying. Mitsuru knew this, but he didn't ask further.

''By the way, how is Aki doing?'' I asked. ''Are you guys still together?''

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