Chapter 40. Unnoticeable.

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Asami's POV.

I rubbed my arms and buried my face in the scarf that was wrapped loosely around my neck. It was ridiculous how it could get so cold in such a short time. It was already evening so it was already colder than it was a few hours before. I could still remember the warm water I was bathing in a week ago, and I missed it very much now I felt the cold air.

I walked a bit faster once Madara's house came into sight. I was already looking forward to a warm cup of tea that would thaw my frozen fingers.

When I tried to open the door, it turned out that it was locked. I sighed in annoyance and took the key out of my pocket and slid the key in the keyhole. After I granted myself access to Madara's house, I closed and locked the door behind me and took off my shoes. As I slid off my jacket while walking into the livingroom, I noticed that neither Keiji or Madara were there.

I puffed and put my jacket over a chair before I walked further into the house. One of the Uchiha had to be home at least. I asked them if I could come over so it would be weird of them to not be here at the agreed time.

''Madara?'' I asked. ''Are you here?''

A short reply was heard. ''Here.''

From his office. That was where I thought his voice coming from. I didn't bother knocking before entering the room and saw Madara look up from his paperwork once I came in. ''Is it cold outside?'' he asked.

I frowned slightly and nodded. ''..Yes. Is my face that red from the cold then?'' I muttered as I brough my hand to my cheeks and rubbed them.

''Could be worse.''

I chuckled at his response. ''I'm going to grab something to drink.'' I said. ''Do you want something too?''

Madara nodded and quickly wrote something down before he looked up to me again. ''Some sake would be nice.''

''Then I'll be right back.''

I left his office and walked down the hallway, walking back the way I came. I wondered where Keiji was. He was normally with Madara in his office, doing a part of his paperwork, or he'd be in the kitchen or livingroom, but now he was nowhere to be seen. Was he even in the mansion?

I poured some sake into a small glass while the water was beginning to boil. I already enjoyed the steam  from the evaporated water. The warmth made my fingers tingle. After a while, when my tea was ready, I carefully lifted both the glass and the cup and slowly headed back to the office, cautious not to spill anything of both the drinks.

When I finally made it, I somehow managed to open the door, but wasn't able to close it. I gritted my teeth in annoyance and decided to do it after my hands were both free. I quickly put the sake and tea down on Madara's desk before I turned around and closed the door.

Madara was already taking a sip from his drink when I was walking back to him. Sitting down on a chair next to the desk, I took my own drink as well and wrapped my fingers around the porcelain cup, which was now warm because of the tea.  After I took a sip, I placed the cup back on the desk and looked at Madara. ''Keiji-san isn't here?'' I asked. ''I haven't seen him yet.''

''He's scouting the area.'' Madara answered without looking up from his paperwork. ''A few people from some clan have been sneaking around lately. They did nothing at first, but ta man exclaimed to be attacked by then when he was near the gate and said that they left right after.''

''What would be their motive?'' I muttered. ''Did we do anything to them?''

''I don't know.'' Madara sighed as he dropped his pencil to lift the drink from the table, swirling the sake in the glass. ''But Hashirama couldn't let this be ignored and sent some men out to ascertain what their plans are. We can't let something that happened before happen again.''

I nodded in agreement. Yumi was seriously injured by that clan that day. Not only her, but many were injured and some were even killed. The favor was returned, but rather unnecessarily harsh. I should have let them live and locked them up instead of save them those years of imprisonment.

I took another sip and pursed my lips afterwards. I'd do anything to prevent something like that to happen again.

''Don't worry to much about it.'' Madara grunted. ''Most clans that haven't joined a village yet are very small. If they manage to get in, they'll be wiped out easily.''

I knew that what he said was true, but it still bothered me. After all what happened, it was understandable to be a bit scared.

And I was scared.

Third Person.

Yumi was walking on the street at night, all alone. She just had met up with a friend on the other side of the village and stayed longer at her house than intended.

With a smile plastered on her face, she was heading home. She had promised Hiroaki to be home early. She didn't know why, but her brother was being pretty persistent when Yumi tried to convince him of coming home later in the evening. After some time, Hiroaki had won and Yumi would be home before sunset.

She found it childish to have to be home at the agreed time. She wasn't a kid anymore, and Hiroaki wasn't her father either. But it didn't matter anymore. Yumi was already late. It may not have been intended, but she broke her promise with her brother.

Yumi was so deep in thought, she didn't notice the two people that were following her. They were silent, and moved without making a single noise.

Yumi hummed to herself. It was the song she learned from her brother when they were kids. She doubted that Hiroaki would remember it, but she always remembered the precious moments of their childhood. Her childhood years were the best years of her life after all.

A hand held a kunai tightly, five fingers wrapped around the handle. They had the advantage. They were with two, while she was alone. They were prepared, while the poor girl knew of nothing. They were also stronger.

imperceptible. That one word described them perfectly. They may have failed their mission earlier this day, but now they would succeed without fail. She was simply one of their few targets, just like the man they attacked in the morning.

They made their move and ambushed Yumi. She didn't notice them, until she felt something slice her skin.

But by then, it was already too late.

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