Chapter 15.

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Asami's POV.

I knocked on Hashirama's door. I wanted to talk to him since yesterday, but he was meeting up with Hiroaki back then at the Sarutobi compound. He must have taken another route to the clan since I didn't encounter him on my way back to the Senju compound.

''Come in.'' I heard Hashirama say, and I opened the door, but stopped when I saw a certain Uchiha standing next to Hashirama. He was being a jerk yesterday. I only tried to be nice, and he just snapped at me. I know he's good in expressing negative feelings, but he dídn't have to be angry at me. Or did I do something wrong?

''Do you want something, Asami?'' Hashirama asked kindly.

I fidgeted a bit before I answered. ''It can wait.'' I murmured. ''I didn't want to interrupt.''

When I was about to turn around and walk away, I heard Madara's voice, preventing me from leaving. ''Asami, I want to talk to you later.'' he spoke, and I looked over my shoulder. Madara didn't look at me, and I could see he was still a bit pissed, but much less than yesterday. Smiling softly, I nodded and left the office.

Madara may look unfriendly and can act kinda rude when you first meet him, but once you get t know him better, he also acts kinder. Maybe not always, but the guy can be nice sometimes. I knew why he wanted to talk to me. At least, I thought I knew. Now I had to talk to Hashirama later about me wanting to move to the Uzumaki compound. I felt more at home back there. My home is with my family, and my family is my clan. The Uzumaki clan. Not the Senju clan. It's not like I don't like living with Hashirama, Tobirama and Mito, but I miss my friends and family around me. Of course I visit them occasionally, but that's not enough for me.

I had already talk to Ashina, the clan leader, and he told me it was okay if I wanted to live with them. I already knew Hashirama wouldn't mind as well, but I was afraid of Mito's reaction. Would she be angry? Sad? I didn't know. She was unpredictable. Mito couldn't really complain if I were to move to the Uzumaki compound. It was only a few dozen metres from the Senju compound. We already barely seem each other. Mito was busy lately. With both her wedding and the Senju clan.

I was still wondering. Does she love Hashirama? If she doesn't, wouldn't it be unpleasant to marry a guy you don't love? I haven't heard Mito complain yet, so I didn't know. I don't think you need to marry someone from an allied clan to strengthen the bonds. Is just being friends not enough?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone poke me. Blinking with my eyes, I saw Madara poke my forehead. ''You awake?'' he grumbled.

I pouted and smacked his hand away. ''Just thinking.''

Madara nodded and began to walk aw. I frowned at him, even though he couldn't see it. Why was he walking away? I thought he wanted to talk? ''Uchiha-san?''

I heard Madara sigh as he waved at me, motioning for me to follow him. Couldn't we just talk where we just stood? I groaned and ran after him. I caught up with him easily, and we left Hashirama's house. ''Where are we going?'' I asked, but Madara didn't answer my question. I pouted again and decided to just silently follow him.

I sighed when we arrived at the Uchiha compound. I should have known he would go to this place. As we entered the compound, everyone turned their attention to us. I cringed a bit when most of the clansmen glared at me. I knew they didn't like outsiders very much, but I didn't know they disliked me this much. Madara must have noticed, because he grabbed my arm roughly and started pulling me with him as he sped up.

We finally arrived at his house, and I closed the doors behind me. Normally, Keiji would instantly walk at us, greeting us happily, but he wasn't here now. ''Where's Keiji-san?'' I asked as I looked around, but the younger Uchiha was nowhere to be seen.

''I sent him on a mission to find the children and women from the Takana clan.'' Madara replied. ''Since we don't know how strong they are, they can still form a threat to the village.'' he spoke as he turned around to face me. ''About yesterday..'' I could clearly see a look of hatred returning on his face, but it was much less fierce than yesterday.

''It's okay if you don't want to talk about it.'' I said softly, not wanting him to get angry again. Madara clenched his fists and shook his head. ''Just promise me you don't tell anyone. Can I trust you?''

I nodded slowly. ''..Yes..''

Madara rolled his eyes. ''Don't hesitate. Can I trust you, yes or no?''

''Yes.'' I answered more firmly now, and Madara let out sigh. ''You saw me yesterday, didn't you?''

''On that cliff?'' I asked. Madara nodded. ''Yes, there Hashirama told me he wanted me to become the leader of this village.'' he began.

My eyes widened. That was great! But why would he be angry about something like this. Didn't he want to become the leader?

''But-'' Madara contnued. ''Tobirama is completely against that idea. He doesn't think I make a good leader, and wants Hashirama to become the leader instead. Tobirama hates my guts, and I stronlgy dislike him as well.''

I now understood why Madara didn't want me to tell anybody. This was something between leaders, not something normaly citizens should know about. I felt sorry for Madara. I already knew he wasn't the village's favorite, but they judge way too fast. Madara always glares and looks annoyed, but that's his normal face. You'll see the difference when you compare his normal face to his angry face.

I felt my chest tighten when I saw Madara's fists tremble slightly. ''Tobirama killed my brother, and know he intedns to walk in my way. I overheard him and Hashirama last night, and the content of that conversation only shows more how much he despises me. I can't trust any of the Senju anymore, I can't trust the other clans, I can't trust-''

I cut Madara off, by throwing my arms around his neck, embracing him comfortingly. I didn't know why I did it. It just seemed like he needed one. I knew Madara had a hard time after losing his younger brother. I also had a time of depression when my best friend died, so I knew how he felt. Only he had it harder with leading his clan and now with Tobirama. I never knew Tobirama was that kind of guy. He could be stern, and he wasn't always nice to me as well, but to talk like that about others..?

Madara didn't move, so I couldn't tell if he was about to hug me back or push me off of him, but this was fine too.

''You can trust me.'' I whispered truthfully.

I couldn't help but smile when I felt Madara's arms around my waist as he returned the embrace.

''You better not tell anyone about this..'' he muttered.


I will update slower (Not much slower) because I want to start writing a new story. Actually three, but then I will be unable to keep updating all of them, so I start with one. I just finished the first chapter, but I won't publish it yet. I first want to write the first few chapters slowly, it's easier for me to keep updating the two stories I'm busy with now. I am already slow with updating already.. If you're interested, it's a Sting Eucliffe love story. He's a guy from Fairy Tail. If you haven't watched that anime yet, you really should do it. It's the best anime I've watched till now :)

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