Chapter 3. Meeting Madara.

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Sorry for the long wait, but I was very busy with school, and next week I have the whole week, every day, a few tests. Very important tests. So I'll probably not update next week, but maybe I will, if I have some time left..


Asami's POV.

I kindly thanked the man after he placed the bowl in front of me. I grabbed the chopsticks and began to eat from my ramen. It was pretty cold outside, since it was late in the evening. I had left the Senju compound shortly after all the guests left. I hadn't eaten much, I didn't even like the food. I did only ate a bit, but not enough to silence my stomach. I had left the house unnoticed and went to the ramen shop and ordered some miso ramen. Mito will be pissed once she finds out that I had left..

Keiji's POV.

"Tch,  what an idiot."

I sighed softly, silently agreeing with Madara-sama. Hiroaki was indeed pretty stupid. He was the worst clan leader I've ever seen. He was dumb, and he wasn't even responsible enough to lead the Sarutobi clan. And he was so full of himself, and he was unbelievable carefree. Hiroaki was only trying to impress people by his kindness and hospitality, but he was only making a fool out of himself with his stupidness.

We walked past a ramen shop, but stopped when I noticed a certain redhead sitting there. ''Asami?''

The girl looked over her shoulder and she frowned at me. ''Keiji-san.''

She looked different... more beautiful than when we first met. She wore a white yukata and her red hair was fixed nicely, but what was she diong here so late in the evening? Asami sighed softly and stirred with the chopsticks in her ramen. ''Say, Keiji-san, what are you doing here?''

I was about to answer her, but a cough made me stiffen. I looked over my shoulder and saw Madara-sama slighly glaring at me, obviously annoyed. I laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of my head. ''Ehh, Asami, this is Uchiha Madara-sama, the leader of the Uchiha clan. Madara-sama, this is Uzumaki Asami, Mito's sister.'' I introduced them to each other.

Asami's POV.

I looked at Madara. He was a light-skinned man with spiky, black hair that had a blue tint to it. He had waist-length hair with shoulder-length bangs framing the sides of his face, covering most of his right eye. He wore a high-collared outfit and blue pants which were wrapped up in bandages at the ends. On his waist, he had a belt.

I bowed shortly, and smiled softly at him. ''It's nice to meet you, Uchiha-san.'' I spoke politely.

He just looked at me like  he hadn't even heard me. Should I feel hurt? Nah, I guess I'm used to it. I paid for my food and stood up. ''Well, I think I got to go. It was nice seeing you, Keiji-san, Uchiha-san.'' I mumbled softly before I started to walk away.

I gasped when a gloved hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back. ''U-Uchiha-san?!''

Madara looked at me from the corners of his eyes. ''Since you are Mito's sister, I assume you live at the Senju compound?'' His voice was deep, and emotionless. It made me shiver. ''Well?'' he asked slightly annoyed. I quickly nodded. ''Y-Yes.''

''Good.'' he said as he released my arm. ''I'll go with you, I need to speak to Hashirama about some important matters anyway.''

I swallowed thickly. I didn't want him to walk back to the Senju compound with me. I felt.. intimidated by him. But I thought it would be best to say nothing. He didn't really look liks someone who would take no as an answer. I nodded hesitantly and he began to walk away. I quickly went after him, and caught up with him, while Keiji walked in the other direction.

We both didn't say a work on the way back to the compound. He wasn't very talkative, I guess.

I sighed and began to hum a song. It was a song my mom taught me when I was just a kid. Mito didn't really like the song, but I loved it. I still know the song even though it was a few years ago since I last heard it. I heard Madara grunt and looked at him confused as I continued to hum.

Madara sighed deeply, but I decided to shrug it off and look ahead of me. I bit the inside of my cheek as I saw the Senju compound in the distance. Would they have noticed that I left? I hope not. Mito would lecture me if she found out. She treats me like a little kid, one that can't take care of himself.

I literally heard Madara grit his teeth, and I frowned at him. ''Uchiha-san? Is something wrong?''

Madara glared at me, and I gulped softly. ''Will you stop humming that annoying song?!'' He growled annoyed. I pouted and folded my arms over my chest. ''You should have said so, Uchiha-san.'' I mumbled.

Madara scoffed as we entered the Senju compound and I tried my best to ignore him.


I looked to my right and saw one of the Senju clansmen running at me. He looked a bit familiar. Have I seen him before? I narrowed my eyes at him to get a better look, since it was already dark outside. The guy had black hair and blue eyes, and was wearing a normal Senju attire. I felt bad for not remembering where I knew him from, and I really tried my best to think back. Wasn't he attending the supper this evening?

''Miss Asami, Hashirama requests to speak to you.'' the guy spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked a few time before nodding. ''Okay. Where is he? In the house?''

''I'll escort you, Miss Asami.'' he said kindly, and then he turned to Madara. ''Madara-sama, follow me.''

Madara nodded and the guy began to walk away. I walked beside him, while Madara walked behind me. I was still wondering what the guy's name was. It was on the tip of my tongue. Da..Dai..Daichi? I glanced at the guy and shook my head. No, it wasn't Daichi.... Daiki? Senju Daiki... Yes, his name was Daiki. I knew I would remember it!

Daiki opened the door and we entered the house where I was staying at. It was huge, and it was still hard for me to find the way to my room. There are many rooms in this house. Meeting rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, and maybe some more? I didn't know..

Daiki escorted me to Hashirama's office and he knocked on the door. I heard him say 'come in' and Daiki opened the door. I smiled at him and he nodded in response before I entered the office. 

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