Chapter 29. Wrangle.

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A longer chapter! (Only a bit longer though, but this is long for me since I normally keep it around the 1000 words :))

Madara's POV.

''So how long are you gone?'' Asami asked.

I looked at Keiji, who shrugged, before looking back at Asami. ''About a week.'' I answered. ''Maybe longer.''

Asami took another sip from her soup. ''And you leave tomorrow?''

I nodded, and Asami let out a small sigh. After I gave her back her ring, I brought her with me to my house and let her stay for supper. It was becoming normal to have Asami around in the Uchiha compound. She was here pretty often to help me with my paperwork, or help Keiji cleaning the house. Even if we told her it wasn't necessary, she insisted, and Asami was stubborn, so she did what she wanted no matter what we told her. I didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing.

After we finished, Keiji took the cutlery and the plates to the kitchen, while I went to my room to pack some of my stuff I would need tomorrow, well aware that Asami was following me.


I opened the door to my room. ''What?''

When I heard no response, I looked over my shoulder and saw Asami standing in the door opening, looking at the ground. Sighing, I turned around. ''Asami?''

The redhead visibly tensed a bit up, looking quite disquieting. I already had a presentiment, but decided to listen to what she had to say anyway.

''It's about what Tobirama-san said.'' Asami said slowly, her voice rather soft. She sounded hesitant, like she wasn't really sure if she should have brought this topic up. She shouldn't have.

I clenched my jaw and turned around, making my way to my desk. ''I thought you said it wasn't important what he said.'' I grunted bluntly. This was really becoming annoying. Was she worrying about this again? At first I was only irritated, but now I was slowly growing very shirty. There was a limit to my patience.

''It may not be important to you,'' Asami admitted. ''But to me..'' she trailed off. ''He said that you-''

I let out a shuddered sigh and clinched my fists. ''If you don't like it, you should leave.'' I interrupted her. I knew it came out harsh and maybe a bit rude, but I had enough if this. If she was constantly worrying about what others thought about me, she should stay away from me. She should have expected this, and if this bothered her this much, she should just leave.

''Huh?'' Asami breathed.

I turned around to face her, a glare clearly visible on my face. ''I said, if you don't like it, you should leave. '' I repeated irritably. ''Is it that hard to understand?''

Asami bit her lip, looking quite insulted. I knew I was hard on her right now, but I wanted to make this clear. ''What do you mean with 'leave'?'' Asami asked quietly.

''Leave me, ending us.''

Asami looked at me, her eyes widening. ''But I don't wan-''

''Then shut up!'' I hissed.

Asami's mouth closed, and I saw her swallowing thickly ,not knowing what to say next, but that was fine. Her eyes looked a bit watery, and she blinked hard, trying to keep her tears from falling.

I sat down on my bed and exhaled loudly, closing my eyes, trying to calm down a bit. The probability that Asami would leave after my outburst with high. Of course she would be sad and upset now, but to my surprise, when I raised my head, Asami was still there. And even though she could be stubborn and now and then even insolent sometimes, she didn't have the guts to look at me now.

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