Chapter 46. Tea.

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Asami's POV.

I sighed softly, and ran my fingertips over the scar on my stomach. It felt weird. Uneven. Of course I didn't expect it to go back to the way it was, but it just felt so.. unknown.

I bit my lip and turned my head to look at Madara. He was asleep, and I should be too, but I couldn't. No matter how many times I tried to close my eyes and doze off, I'd wake up a few minutes later everytime. It was frustrating.

The last night in the hospital, after I had regained consciousness, was just as restless as this one. I didn't know why, but I couldn't fall asleep, even if I was incredibly tired. Was it because I was scared? Afraid to be killed in my sleep? Even though Madara was right next to me? He'd wake up already if he sensed somebody near his house, so I had actually nothing to fear.

I sighed and silently slipped out of the bed. Goosebumps rose on my skin once the warmth I had gathered under the blanket left me, being replaced by cold air. I crossed my arms over my chest  to keep myself warm as I left Madara's room.

It was hard to see anything in the darkness, but the light of the moon lighted a few steps of the stairs, so I knew where to put my feet. After I was downstairs, I went to the kitchen and started to boil some water. I really hoped tea would help to fall asleep more peacefully.

I also still didn't feel very well. The medicines I received at the hospital must be causing the nausea, and I was also feeling weak and sometimes a dizzy, but I've felt worse, and it wasn't that bad that it was unbearable.

After the tea was ready, I wrapped my fingers around the warm cup and took a small sip. It was good.

Turning around, I was planning on heading back to the bedroom, but I jumped slightly, almost spilling the tea in the process, when I saw Madara standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. His arms were crossed over his broad and bare chest as he looked at me with his dark eyes.

''M-Madara!'' I stammered. ''How long have you been here?''

''Can't sleep?'' He asked, not answering my question. I pursed my lips and nodded, wrapping my fingers tighter around the cup, which was now becoming pretty hot. ''I'm still not feeling very well.

He sighed as he pushed himself away from the door frame. ''We have some medicines.''

I smiled, but shook my head. ''No thank you.'' I mumbled. ''The tea is already helping a bit. But why are you up? Did I wake you?''

''Yes.'' Madara replied as he walked at me, taking a few long strides. ''I'm not a deep sleeper after all.'' he grumbled as he almost forcibly took the cup out of my hands and put it down on the table. ''And it really annoys me that I can't sleep because of your sleeplessness.''

I pouted and reached for the cup, yearning for its warmth, but Madara grabbed my wrist and held it firmly in his hand. ''You should have told me.'' he stated.

''I didn't want to bother you any more.'' I whispered. ''I've already caused enough trouble, and this is also nothing that needs your attention anyway, so-'' ''You really are an idiot.'' he interrupted me, grunting irritably. ''Drink the tea and go back to sleep.''

I nodded slowly and looked away from him, feeling actually a bit insulted, but a cold hand hand on my neck made me look back at him, and I noticed how close he suddenly was. I instinctively wanted to back down, but Madara was still holding my wrist with his other hand and pulled me into the opposite direction.

His lips were a bit chapped, and they were also pretty cold, but it made me feel warm inside. The last time we had kissed seemed so long ago, while it had only been a few days. So much happened after that.. So much, that it just seemed like a long time had passed.

My eyes fluttered closed as I let him do as he pleased. I didn't mind. I only liked it. Even during small and short kisses like this one, he somehow managed to make me feel weak under his intimidating gaze and slight dominance, while I had already become used to that.

When he pulled away, he let go of my wrist and turned around, leaving the room. ''Don't take too long.'' He sounded annoyed, but I smiled nevertheless.

I grabbed my cup of tea and took a sip. Lukewarm. Not so hot anymore, so easy to drink. After a few gulps, I placed the empty, porcelain cup next to the sink and headed back upstairs.

After out argument earlier this day, I'd felt some tension between us, even though we sort of made up right after that, but I didn't feel that tension now anymore.

When I reached his room, I closed the door and saw Madara already lying on the bed. His eyes were closed, and he was lying on his side, his face turned to me. I didn't know why, but he looked different somehow. His hair was partly hanging in front of his face, and he had a restful expression on his flawless face.

When I crawled under the covers of the bed, I scooted closer to the male. The warmth radiating off him made me wanted to move even closer to him, since I still found it pretty cold in the room, but I was hesitating about doing that. Madara wasn't exactly the cuddly type, and he'd only show affection  by kissing me now and then, and we only hugged a few times, but I've only slept in his arms one or two times. I didn't want to do anything he didn't want.

I sighed and turned around, turning my back to him, closing my eyes. I should just go to sleep. I was very tired after all.

My eyes shot open when I suddenly felt a big hand on my stomach. Cringing at the sudden touch, I wanted to look over my shoulder, but wasn't given the chance when I was abruptly pulled back. I stiffened slightly when a toned chest was pressed against my back, and a warm breath blew softly against the back of my neck..


''I'm not so oblivious as you are.''

I chuckled and closed my eyes again. ''You're really nice to me today.'' I mocked him.

Madara scoffed. ''I'm always nice.''

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