Chapter 32. Gone.

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Fast update, just as promised! 4 days was it? Idk anymore but this is pretty fast for me.This chapter is dedicated to Dark_Kunoichi! Thank you for your votes and comments! I'll be dedicating more  future chapter to other readers, but for now, I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Madara's POV.

I grumbled as I covered my eyes against the rising sun that was shining through the windows. Asami was cuddled up against me, a content smile on her face. I ended up staying at her place for the night. After chatting for some time, mostly her asking me questions about how it went the last three days, it had become late and Asami suggested I could stay here and leave in the morning.

Now I was thinking about it, this was the first time I spent the night at Asami's. She would normally crash at my place. Have I ever been to Asami's house before? I couldn't even remember. I just didn't complain and stayed. I would just have to work till late in the night today, if I included the time I'd spend on deciphering the stone tablet. That was taking far more time that I thought. And then also that meeting I had in an hour..

When Asami groaned softly and shifted a bit, I turned my head to look at her. She had a troubled expression on her face, and a frown was clearly visible. Was she having some bad dream?

Pressing my forefinger against the wrinkled skin, I muttered the words she would always say to me.

''You'll get wrinkles.''

Asami's POV.

When I woke up, Madara was gone. Even though this was to be expected, I was still slightly disappointed. Even though Madara wasn't exactly the cuddly type, I enjoyed the warmth radiating from his body when he was near me. Just being close to him was satisfying enough for me.

Even though I wanted to see him very badly, it would be better not to. He already said he was busy and I didn't want to interrupt him during work. I already held him back yesterday, so leaving him alone today would be a good idea.

Lying on my back, I stared at the ceiling. What should I do today? I already did something with Mito yesterday. Maybe I should just take it easy today. Go to the hot springs or something like that. It's been some time since I did something for myself.

Deciding to get out of bed, I threw the blanket off of me and stood up, still a bit stiff. After stripping myself from my tank top and shorts, the clothing I usually sleep in, I took a short but refreshing shower. When I was finally dressed again in the red kimono I usually wore, I left my house and locked the door. It made me recall last night, when Madara suddenly stood in front of my house when I came back.

I couldn't believe he actually remembered that bruise. If he hadn't said anything I wouldn't have remembered it. Of course I remembered the bruise itself. It reminded me of its presence most of the day. I just wouldn't have remembered what he said when he left to visit another kage.

Even though Madara had that glare on his face most of the time yesterday night, I thought the things he did were pretty sweet. He may not always act like it, but he did care. I just wished he'd loosen up sometimes and just smile. Forgetting everything. All his worries, his losses, the burdens he was carrying.

Madara deserved it to be happy, but it's like he's not getting the chance to be. Every time things were getting better, it suddenly went bad. Of course I've only known Madara since I arrived in Konoha, so I never knew how it was to fight in a war as a young child, to lose my siblings and friend, to stand on a battlefield.

Hashirama once told me about Madara and him when they were kids. He told me they were friends, and they trained and fooled around at the river bank. I couldn't image Madara like that. But that just showed what the war during the Warring States Period did to him. I felt bad for him. It was like he was a magnet, drawing tragedy towards him. He couldn't be friends with Hashirama anymore, they had to fight on the battlefield. Their families were the greatest enemies. Then he lost Izuna, his only brother left. He had four brothers when he was a kid, and a few years later, he was all alone. He still had his clan left though, but that wasn't the same as the people who were supposed to be constantly around you.

Madara's life story till now was so much more sad than mine, yet I was complaining that had to flee from Uzushiogakure. I felt now guilty for thinking that way. I had no right to complain. My life was so much brighter than Madara's, yet I already yammered when it was darkened just one shade.

Burying the nails of my fingertips in the palms of my hands, I left the Uzumaki compound, but was suddenly pushed back when someone crashed into me. Just before I hit the ground, a firm hand grabbed mine and pulled me up. ''Sorry Asami-san!''

''Keiji-san?'' I asked surprised. ''What are you doing here?''

Keiji was panting like crazy. He almost looked desperate. ''Have you seen Madara-sama?!'' he asked. ''He stayed at your place, right?''

Madara? Wasn't he with Keiji? ''N-No. He left before I woke up.''

Keiji cursed and ran his hand through his hair. ''He didn't show up at the meeting an hour ago, and I can't find him anywhere.''

Huh? Madara missed the meeting? Even if he hated them, he never missed one. Anxiety welled up inside me. ''Are you sure you've looked everywhere?''

''The shrine, the whole Uchiha compound, on top of the mountain, the hot springs, and I asked the people in the village. I even went to the Senju compound!'' Keiji exclaimed. ''I have looked everywhere!''

I swallowed thickly. ''You don't think he's.. gone, right?''

''I don't know. Madara's unpredictable. He could have gone anywhere.''

Even thought that wasn't exactly what I meant, I didn't say anything else. The only thing I could think of now where the places Madara could possibly be. This wasn't like him. Just going off somewhere without telling either Keiji or me. It made me feel afraid.

Madara was incredibly strong, so I knew he could fend for himself, but if even Keiji wasn't able to find him, then where was he? Was he even in the village? What was he doing?

Could Madara have left Konoha? Did he leave Keiji and me without uttering a single word? It wouldn't be unlikely for him to leave. Most people hated him and thought he wasn't welcome here. Had he have enough? Didn't he want to live here anymore? Did he honestly think it was better for him to leave everyone and everything behind?

Did he really leave me? No, I couldn't think like that. It wasn't even sure if he truly left, or just temporarily away. Maybe he was still in the village.

Even though I tried to think positively, that one possibility that Madara had left kept existing.

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