Chapter 42. Assault.

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It took me longer to update this chapter, but it's twice as long as usual, so I guess that kinda makes up for it.

Madara's POV.

''How's she?'' Keiji asked as we headed to my room.

''She was dazed. She still hasn't accepted Yumi's dead fully.'' I said.

''Well, Yumi's death was announced very recently and  the news was pretty unexpecting too.'' Keiji muttered. ''She was also Asami-san's best friend. You should know better than me that she'll be having a difficult time letting go of her.''

I sighed as I wrapped my fingers around the door handle. ''I know.'' And with a swift movement, I opened the door, but didn't go inside yet.

''Don't let your guard down.'' I said, and  Keiji nodded, knowing what I meant. ''Then, goodnight, Madara-sama.'' Keiji said before walking away to his own room.

When I closed the door from the inside, I turned around. Asami was lying on the bed, her back turned to me. Her red hair was held together in a messy bun which she had quickly made before trying to go to sleep. I told her to do so after we had dinner. Asami hadn't eaten a thing, saying she wasn't hungry. She had said the same thing when Keiji and I were having lunch. She had just been silent the whole time and stared at something in front of her, lost in her own thoughts.

Even though I couldn't see her face from up here, I knew she was awake. It was hard to imagine she could sleep after what happened to Yumi. Knowing Asami, she would keep thinking about it.

Walking at her, I saw her cringe slightly as I neared her, but she was silent, not crying anymore. Well, she's been in here pretty long; almost the whole day. She must have ran out of tears.

''How are you feeling?'' I asked as I leaned over her, trying to see her face, but it was buried in the pillow. Asami shrugged in response and I sighed. ''I understand that you're depressed, but if you're going to keep acting like this-''  I stopped in the middle of the sentence when Asami sat up. She looked at me, a faint smile visible on her face. Her cheeks were red and so were her eyes, indicating that she had been crying for a long time.

''You're right.'' she murmured softly. ''I made use of your hospitality and have also been ungrateful to you for letting me stay here. I'm sorry.''

I sighed again and ran a hand through my hair. She was still saying such things. Hospitality and gratefulness. I didn't care a bit for those things. Of course she could have showed us at least some gratitude for taking care of her, but I just didn't like that fact that she didn't talk to us short after she came here.

''Tch, Keiji said you could stay here right?'' I grunted. ''Just don't neglect yourself.''

''Are you worried about me?''

''I just don't have the time to take care if you if you make yourself sick.'' I said as I sat down on the bed next to her. From the corners of my eyes, I saw Asami smile faintly. ''What's so funny?'' I asked as I lay down.

Asami smiled brighter. ''Nothing.''

Asami's POV.

I closed my eyes tighter once a bright light shone on them. I was still tired, and also felt pretty weak for some reason. My eyes stung a bit, but I opened then nevertheless.

''Finally awake?''

I sat up and saw Madara standing in the doorway. He was already wearing his usual attire, and looked like he'd been awake for a long time already.

''What time is it?'' I asked, still feeling drowsy.

''Past noon.'' he muttered. ''You've slept pretty long.''

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