Chapter 27.Worries.

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Madara's POV.

I felt a weight on top of me stir, waking me up. As my eyes slowly opened, the first I saw was the ceiling of the living room. Did we fell asleep here?

I looked down and saw Asami still sleeping. Her head was on my shoulder and she had one arm loosely around my neck while the other hand was lingering on my chest, like she was afraid I'd leave. Even though the position I was in wasn't very comfortable, I didn't dislike the warmth that was radiating from her body.

Looking through the window, I could tell from the weak light that was coming from the sun, that it was still early in the morning. I didn't feel like getting up already, even though I still had much to do. It couldn't hurt staying here a little longer.

Placing my hand on the side of Asami's waist, I looked down at her face. Some of her red hair had fallen across her face, but that didn't keep her from sleeping. Her back was slightly rising and falling with each shallow breath she took, and sometimes a frown would appear on her face.

My eyes went from her eyes to her lips, which were slightly parted. Letting out a sigh, I averted my gaze back to the ceiling. I could hear Asami's soft breathing as she continued to sleep on my chest.

''Well, isn't this a rare sight.''

Keiji grinned as he entered the living room, carrying a few documents. I sent a glare at him, warning him. Keiji looked at me innocently as he sat down on a chair. Sometimes I wonder how I could work together so well with someone so positive and optimistic, but I could say the same about Asami. Her personality was also very different from mine.

''Shut up.'' I grumbled. I was still not in a good mood since I just woke up, and Keiji just had to make it worse. Keiji just laughed quietly, not wanting to wake Asami up, but Asami wasn't that deaf. She groaned sleepily and moved slightly. Her eyes fluttered open but squeezed shut shortly after because of the amount of light.

I sighed and sat up, taking Asami with me. She was now awake anyway.

''Good morning, Asami-chan.'' Keiji smiled as Asami looked at him quite confused as she didn't respond to his greet, but looked at me instead. ''You could just have woken me up when I fell asleep here.''

''We both fell asleep.'' I muttered as I stood up. Asami mumbled a small 'oh' before she stood up as well. ''I guess I'm going home now. I still have some things I need to do.''

''Stay for breakfast.'' Keiji said. ''You're here now anyway.''

Asami looked now quite uneasy. ''I don't want to intrude or something.''

''You're not intruding.'' Keiji grinned. ''We're inviting you.''

Asami glanced at me, like she wanted me to decide, but I just shrugged. If she wanted to stay, she could. ''I'm going to my office.'' I said, not too excited. ''Bring me my breakfast later, Keiji.''

Keiji's POV.

After I brought Madara his breakfast, I went back to the kitchen, where Asami was eating her breakfast rather shyly. I chuckled and sat down on the other side of the table, knowing she was embarrassed because I saw her sleeping on the couch with Madara.

''So.. I heard Yumi was doing better.'' I began, and Asami looked up from her food.

''Yeah. It took quite some time till she began to feel better though.''

I nodded and let out a deep sigh, making Asami frown. ''Have much work today?''

''Yes.'' I muttered. ''Madara and I have a meeting that'll take some time and we have to go to the other side of the village. It seems there were some construction errors.

''Where is that meeting?'' Asami asked, taking a bite of the bread.

''Senju compound, in an hour.'' I answered. Neither Madara nor I is looking forward to it. Madara was really beginning to distrust the Senju, and the other way around. If this was going to continue, things wouldn't end well.

''Is it okay if I walk a bit with you? I have to go that way as well when I'm going home.''


Asami's POV.

About an hour later, Madara, Keiji and I left the Uchiha compound. Madara was totally irritated, even more than usual. He must really hate it to go to the Senju compound now. After what Tobirama said to me, I felt bad for the Uchiha. He never deserved this, and I wished to help him. But I just didn't know how.

What could I possibly do? Tobirama wouldn't listen to me, and I didn't think that my opinion mattered to the others anyway. Just because they were 'more important' than me. Just because they have a higher rank didn't mean that the words they spoke were the truth. Sometimes it wouldn't hurt to listen to others. Unfortunately, not everyone was so flexible. From the corners of my eyes, I looked at Madara. He could be so stubborn sometimes, and Tobirama too.

The Uzumaki compound was already nearby, but I didn't want to say goodbye to Madara and Keiji yet, but I would only be in the way if I went with them to the meeting. And even if I went with them,  I doubted they would let me attend the meeting.

''Keiji, go on ahead without me.''

I looked up and saw Madara looking at me. Noticing we already reached my compound, I understood what Madara wanted to do. ''You don't have to walk me...'' I slowly trailed off as I saw Madara's piercing eyes. Those eyes told me he didn't take no for an answer.

Keiji nodded and walked away, heading to the Senju compound, while Madara and I entered the Uzumaki compound. Madara behaved like he didn't care what was going on, while I grew slowly nervous  by all the glances that were directed at us, especially Madara.

''Ehm, Madara..'' I began, but the Uchiha didn't let me continue. ''Ignore them.'' he muttered, his voice so emotionless that it only made me more uneasy. ''It doesn't matter what they think, right?''

I nodded and looked at the ground instead of the people around me. I didn't want Madara to grow numb to all of this. He should care. It was almost like he wanted everyone to think that wayabout him.

When we reached my small house, I took the key I had hidden pretty well and unlocked the door. Almost immediately, Madara grabbed my arm and pulled me into my own house. I would have stumbled if it wasnt for Madara, who still held my arm tightly. ''You're still doing it.'' he grunted annoyed.

I looked at him confused, not knowing what I 'was still doing'. Madara knew I didn't understand and let out a sigh, pulling me towards him as his fingers were still wrapped around my limb. ''Just worry about me. I don't like it.''


I was cut off when Madara pressed his lips firmly against mine. The kiss was rather rough, but not unpleasant. I grabbed onto his shoulder for some support as he continued to move his lips against mine.

When he pulled away, he instantly let go of me and I needed a few seconds to comprehend what just happened. I still always got flustered by his kisses and he neer failed to make my mind go blank.

''I know you mean well, but it's not necessary.'' Madara spoke as he placed his hand on my head, slightly ruffling my hair like I was a small child. ''I'll be going now.''

I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what. Was it really unnecessary? Wasn't it normal to worry about someone you care about? I only wanted to help him.

So why wouldn't he let me?

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