Chapter 31. Stay.

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Even though I promised some of you to update soon, this is pretty late. I usually update once a week but a week has already passed... I have a reason, a valid one. I was sick -> food poisoning. The only thing I could do was lie in my bed, sleep and whine XD But I'm fine now :) Anyway, enjoy the chapter :D

Asami's POV

''This is really good!'' I beamed as I took another bite of my meal.

Mito merely smiled and continued to eat as well. Just when I thought I would be spending the evening alone, Mito came by and asked me if I wanted to go out and eat somewhere. Of course I said yes.

Things between us have gotten even better and it felt like our bond wasn't that damaged anymore. We had both changed a bit, in a good way. For the first time since Madara left with Keiji, I didn't feel so lonely. Yumi was busy with her brother, and I barely saw her. But even if I could spend time with her, I don't think I would want to. Madara was right, Yumi could be annoying sometimes. She would always stick her nose in someone else's business, and she was pretty energetic, and she wouldn't stop blabbering.

And that all day.

Mito was a lot calmer and only talked when necessary. Just like Madara, but that was the only thing they had in common.

''Do you want a dessert?'' Mito asked as she wiped her mouth with a napkin.

I shook my head as I swallowed the the last part of my food. Placing the cutlery on the now empty plate, I looked up to my sister. ''I've had enough, even though this restaurant serves really good food.'' I said, smiling softly.

''Shall I order two glasses of wine before I ask the bill?''

I hesitated. ''I'm not really a fan of alcohol..''

Mito chuckled. ''I know.'' she muttered. ''Just one glass, you can handle that, right?''

Sighing, I nodded. She knew it was hard for me to say refuse. I've always been like that.

''Red or white?''

''White.'' I answered.

When a waiter passed by, Mito ordered the drinks and the bill right after that.

''So,'' she began. ''Are you missing me yet. now you're living at the Uzumaki compound?''

I chuckled. ''I have to admit, it's pretty lonely at my house sometimes, but there's more privacy, more tranquility, silence, and it also feels more like home.''

Mito smiled softly and shoved the plate a bit away from her, placing her arm on the table. ''I understand wha you're saying.'' she said. ''You know you can visit anytime, right?''


Just then, the waiter came back with our order and the bill.

''How much is it?'' I asked as I took my wallet out of my pocket, intending to pay a part. Mito lay the small piece of paper down on the table and motioned for me to put my wallet away. ''I'll pay.'' she said determinedly. ''I asked you to come with me after all.''

''Are you sure?'' I asked, reluctant to put my wallet away. ''It's pretty pricey here, isn't it?''

Mito nodded her head. ''It's fine.''

Putting my wallet back in my pocket, I smiled gratefully. I wasn't as rich as Mito, so I was actually pretty glad I didn't have to pay, even though I would never admit that. I also felt pretty bad about the way I thought about it.

How could Madara not feel bad for making me pay all the time? Of course I never complained. I was already happy that he would go with me, even if he asked me, but I began to notice my wallet going empty leisurely.

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