Chapter 21.

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Madara's POV.

It all made sense now. Why she would always come to the Uchiha compound, why she was so insistent on helping me, why she was always there for me. I just thought she wanted attention, but she just wanted to be with me. How couldn't I have noticed earlier that she had these feelings for me?

More importantly, what was I supposed to do now? Did I love Asami? I didn't know, but I did have this desire. Asami was kind, caring, unselfish.. Why would she fall for someone like me in the first place? If she were to get further involved with me, people would look at her the same way they look at me, and Asami didn't deserve that.

But how did Keiji know for sure that Asami loved me? Did she tell him, or did he just think that? If it was the truth or not, now I couldn't look at Asami the way I used to. How was I supposed to act around her now? like nothing happened? I couldn't just ignore what Keiji said.

''Madara-sama?'' Keiji asked hesitantly. ''What are you going to do now?'

''How can you be sure? Did Asami tell you that or do you just think she feels that way?''

Keiji sighed. ''You didn't notice?'' he muttered. My eyes narrowed. ''How was I suppose to notice? Asami acts the same around other people.''

''Madara-sama, I have a request.''

I looked over my shoulder, frowning. ''What is it?''

''May I slap you?''

Keiji's POV.

Madara was strong, smart, and yet he could be so dense sometimes. He just didn't realise other's feelings. His negative thoughts always got in the way. He didn't bother considering other's feelings because he thought they didn't matter. He did care at first, but he's begun to doubt others, because they doubted him. He'd harden himself, but did that mean he didn't care about Asami?

He didn't seem to dispise her presence, and he hardly told her to go away when he's busy. He let her help him, she was always there for him. Even though Asami never really did something too obviously, it wasn't hard to tell she liked the Uchiha. Maybe because Madara always looked at her as a friend, that he didn't notice her feelings, and I bet he wasn't thinking about love now. He's never really been into a women. He didn't care. Madara fought to protect the ones dear to him, his clan. That was enough for him.

''If you slap me, I'd slap back 10 times harder.'' Madara grunted before walking further. I quickly hurried after him. After catching up to him, which didn't take long, I glanced at him from the corners of my eyes. ''So?'' I asked. ''What're you going to do?''

Madara shrugged. ''I don't know what I should do.'' he admitted. ''I don't know how I feel about her.''

He was hesitating about his feelings? ''Do you like her?'' I asked.

''I'm not going to talk to you about this.'' Madara grumbled. ''I can think for myself.''

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