Chapter 48. Dizziness.

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I think it's pretty obvious what's going to happen in the next few chapters, but I'll try (TRY) to make the epilogue (at least a bit) unpredictable.

Madara's POV.

I tapped the pencil against the wood of the desk as I stared out of the window. It was already dark outside. Sighing, I turned back to the finished paperwork, and then looked at Asami. She was still asleep. First she persistently insisted on helping me out, and when I tell her to take a break she thinks it's okay to fall asleep on the couch.

I sighed loudly and shoved the paperwork aside before I got out of my chair. I should wake her.

I turned my head when I heard Asami shift a hit. Her eyebrows furrowed before she unclenched them. Walking around the desk, I slowly made my way toward her. When I reached the edge of the couch, I crouched down and stared at her face before cupping her cheek and stroking it with my thumb. Her skin seemed paler than usual.

I slapped her cheek gently a few times, and it didn't take long before her eyes fluttered open.

''Madara?'' she muttered softly.

''Go to bed'' I said as I got up. ''Its already pretty late.''

Asami hummed as she sat up and yawned leisurely. But the moment she stood up, she staggered on her feet. Grunting, I grabbed her upper arm to keep her standing. ''Dizzy?''

Asami nodded and I let go of her arm. ''You shouldn't stand up too quickly.''

''Sorry.'' she whispered as she passed me slowly. I noticed the dull look in her eyes. ''Are you feeling alright?'' I asked.

''Just tired.'' she muttered as she left the office. I sighed again and followed her. It has now been a few weeks since the accident, and Asami was practically living with me now. She barely went home, only when she needed something, but she'd stay at my place for the rest of the day.

Before I entered the bedroom, Keiji came out of his room and by the look on his face, I could tell he wanted to ask something. ''Yes?" I questioned as I turned to face him properly.

"Can I have the day off tomorrow, Madara-sama?" He asked slowly. Keiji swallowed thickly as he waited for my answer.

I grunted. ''Do as you like." I said as I turned back to the door. "We're not busy lately anyway."

Keiji smiled brightly and bowed. "Thank you, Madara-sama!"

I heaved a sigh. "I expect good work from you the day after tomorrow."

Keiji grinned. "You can count on me!"

After Keiji went back into his room, and I went into mine and closed the door. I had thought that Asami would be in the bathroom, but I was surprised to see her already lying on the bed. Her eyes were closed as she breathed evenly.

"Asleep, huh?" I murmured as I walked closer. She could have at least changed into her pajamas. I could understand that she was tired though. Sleeping was hard for her the last few days. I wondered if that sleeplessness from a while ago has come back?

Deciding to let that slide for now, I changed into different clothing and lay down next to the Uzumaki. Since she was lying on the sheets, I couldn't move them and cover myself with them, so I decided to sleep without them. It may be winter, and thus cold outside, but it was pretty warm inside the house, so it didn't really matter. And I also didn't want to deal with a grumpy Asami, so letting her sleep was the best option.

Asami's POV.

When I awoke, I was alone in the room. Even though I was used to going asleep alone and waking up alone, I still felt a bit disappointed. Madara may have gone to bed at the same time as I yesterday, but I had fallen to sleep instantly.

I got out of bed and stretched my arms and legs. I sighed once I noticed I was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I grimaced and walked to the closet and opened it. I didn't want to wear something tight or uncomfortable, so I grabbed an old, loose shirt and a sweatpants and changed into them. It's not like I was going anywhere anyway.

When I came downstairs, the smell of diner from yesterday evening made me feel a bit nauseous, and I opened the cabinet where some pills and other medications were stored. Not only was I feeling nauseous, but I was also still a bit dizzy.

I wanted to grab for packet on the highest shelf, but couldn't reach it. I grunted and stood on my toes, but it was still too high for me. I knew I wasn't the tallest, but the cabinet was also unfairly high.

Just when I was about to give up trying to grab it this way and get a chair to stand on, a firm chest was pressed against my back and a the packet was held in front of my face. I stiffened once I felt his breath against my ear "Looking for this?"

"M-Madara, I didn't hear you coming." I stuttered as I grabbed the packet. "Where were you? You weren't here, right?"

"Just taking care of a few things." He answered uninterested, but then he looked at me. "Are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm a bit sick, maybe." I muttered. "But it's not something to worry about, for now."

Madara's eyes narrowed and he grabbed my jaw. His fingers were cold, and I shivered. "Are you still dizzy?"

I nodded softly. "And a bit nauseous." I added.

For a mere second, he looked away, narrowing his eyes more, before he looked back at me. "Tell me if it becomes worse."

I nodded obediently and wanted to walk past him to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water so I could swallow the pill more easily, but Madara's arm blocked my way. I shot him a questioning look, but already understood what he wanted when I saw the look in his eyes.

Sighing, I couldn't suppress a small smile. I placed one hand on his broad shoulder and made him bend down a bit. After pecking his lips, I pulled back, but Madara didn't find this second-lasting kiss enough and pressed his lips firmly against mine.

When he pulled away, he looked once more into my eyes, like he was trying to figure something out, before he began to walk away. "I'm in my office if you need me."

I watched him as he left. "Yeah.." I muttered, still a bit breathless from the kiss.

After he was gone, I walked to the kitchen and filled a glass with water. I took one pill from the packet and put it in my mouth and drank from the glass after. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I pursed my lips.

I've been like this now for a few days. Maybe it was better if I'd go to a doctor.


A few more chapters (1,2 or maybe 3) till the epilogue, and then it's over, but there will also be something else :)

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