Chapter 43. Aid.

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Sorry if the fight scene isn't as good as some of you expected. I find it pretty difficult to write those >.<

Mito's POV.

''Where did the other one go?'' I asked as I looked around. ''He's not here anymore.''

Hashirama grunted as we both looked at the man Hashirama had caught with a wooden cage. He couldn't even more anymore. That's how much Hashirama made the cage shrink.

''Hashirama-sama!'' One of the guards ran at us. ''He went to the marketplace, and that's where we lost track of him!''

''Any injured?'' Hashirama asked.

''Only one woman.'' the guard said hastily.

Many people were gathered at that market.. I looked at Hashirama, who looked pretty troubled. He must also know that is was dangerous to let that guy walk around so freely. If he hadn't fled town yet, he must he heading toward his next victim.

First they attack Hashirama and me directly, thinking they could beat us. Even if all of them came at us, they'd be no match for Hashirama. But this proved that we were wrong about them. They didn't only target siblings of clan leaders, but also the clan leaders themselves. It must have been a coincindence that Yumi and the other two were attacked first.

Asami's POV.

Running was useless. No matter how fast my legs moved, the man was getting closer and closer, slowly but certainly. He had already thrown a few kunais and shuriken. I was able to dodge most of them, but there were two shuriken I hadn't seen coming. One hit my upper arm, and I had removed it just a moment later, while the other one had scratched my shoulder. I still felt the throbbing pain in my arm as blood slowly soaked my kimono.

I had no choice. I had to fight. I couldn't keep running forever, and I doubted that it would make any difference anyway. Running or fighting. The result would be the same. And if I'd die, I wouldn't want to die cowardly.

Even though I was scared, I decided to face him. But first, I needed to lead him away, to the training fields for example. I was sure that only a few people, or maybe even no one would be there. It was also pretty close, so those fields would be the best option.

I looked over my shoulder, just in time to dodge another kunai. He'd been throwing less and less, so I guessed he must be slowly running out of weapons. which was convenient for me. Close combat shouldn't be so much of a problem now as it would have been before.

The training fields came into sight, but before I could reach them, I suddenly felt a presence behind me. My eyes widened and I quickly jumped aside, barely evading a powerful kick. How did he get there so fast?

Have I slowed down that much, or did he just speed up so suddenly?

Turning around, I saw the man standing few meters away from me, with another kunai in his hand. I figured he still had two or three of those, considering how empty his pouch seemed from here, but I wasn't completely sure.

I swallowed thickly and fidgeted with my fingers. What was he going to do now?

Third Person.

Asami had already tried to seal the man away a few times, but he constantly dodged the inscription and prevented himself from being sealed within the formula itself that way. If this didn't work, she had to rely on her combative abilities, and that was the case here.

The only things the man had left was a two kunais. One was hidden in his sleeve ane he was carrying the other one, making sure not to throw either of them. He had noticed that Asami reacted pretty quickly to attacks, but she didn't have any powerful techniques, but he didn't either.

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