Chapter 49. Confirmation.

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Asami's POV.

"Ah, Asami-san, you're back!" Keiji grinned as I entered the house. "Where were you?"

I closed the door and took off my jacket and my long scarf. "At Mito's." I answered as I rubbed my hands together, warming them up from the outside cold. "She wanted to discuss a few things with me."

Things I rather not talk about now.

"You went alone?" Keiji seemed surprised.

I nodded and smiled weakly. "I can't say I felt comfortable and relaxed on my way there."

"And have you been to the doctor?" He questioned. "You haven't been feeling well, right?"

"I felt better so I thought it'd be unnecessary to go to the doctor, but I still feel a bit nauseous now and then." I explained.

What I told Keiji wasn't true, not completely true. I'm still as sick as I was when I decided to go to the doctor, but I haven't gone there yet because I wanted to check something first. It was a possibility, so I wasn't sure of it yet.

"Keiji-san, isn't your wife a medical ninja?" I asked as I sat down next to him on the couch.

Keiji frowned and nodded. "Yes, but aren't you also one?"

"Since I'm not feeling well, I can't trust my assumptions." I said softly.

"Why don't you just go to a doctor?" Keiji asked. "I'm sure Kaede would like to help you out, but a doctor might be better. Kaede isn't very advanced."

"That doesn't matter to me." I said. "I just need confirmation."


"Never mind." I muttered. "Is Kaede home?"

"She's at work until late in the evening, but I can tell her you're coming tomorrow." Keiji suggested. "She's free then."

"Thank you, Keiji-san." I said, my gratitude sincere.

Madara's POV.

When I entered the bedroom I shared with Asami, I wasn't surprised to see her already asleep. This wasn't the first time, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

There were changes in her behaviour, changes in her choice of food, changes in her sleep patterns and she also hasn't been feeling well.

It didn't take long for me to figure out what the reason was, and I was sure that Asami must have realised it too.

What I felt about it.. I simply didn't know. The thought of having a child never crossed my mind before, but having someone who'd succeed me didn't seem very bad.

I'd have something to be proud of, but there was one problem.

The timing.

Now was the worst time for Asami to be pregnant. Soon, I can't support her anymore, and things will be messed up. Blaming her would be stupid. She couldn't do anything about it, and neither could I.

I sighed and stood at the side of the bed, watching the redhead sleep. Nothing was certain yet, but the chance that things were as I thought they were was big.

Turning back wasn't an option for me anymore.

I couldn't stop now , not after all the preparations I've done.

Asami's POV.

When I woke up, Madara was already gone. It was cold, and now I wanted nothing more than his warmth next to me, but he wasn't here.

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