Chapter 47. Warmth.

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Madara's POV.

A few days have passed, and Asami was still staying at my place. I didn't mind. She was afraid, and I could keep an eye on her this way. I'd also noticed a change in her behaviour. She became more serious, and fooled around less. The attempt to take her life must have really scared and shocked her. She also listened to everything I said, like she was afraid something bad would happen again if she didn't take me seriously.

It seemed that the group of killers existed out if five people. Two were captured, and one was killed yesterday, so there were only two left. I doubted that they would show themselves anytime soon. It's obvious that they had underestimated us. They were some outsiders, rogues, who were too overconfident in they own skills, and that led to their demise. They were no threat anymore, not now we have tightened the security.

After I heard a knock on the door, I expected Keiji to enter the room, but looked up when I saw Asami come in instead. It was still a bit weird to see her with shorter hair. It first reached past her waist, and now it was shoulder length. Laying my pencil down, I leaned back into the chair. ''Is there something you need?''

Asami walked closer to the desk while fumbling with her fingers. ''Ehm, Keiji-san asked me to ask you if you'd like to eat something.'' she said. ''Since you've been working the whole day, he figured that you must be hungry.''

''I'm fine.'' I sighed as I turned back to my paperwork. ''I'll eat later.''

''Are you sure?'' I heard her ask. ''You've barely eaten anything today.''

''I'm not hungry now anyway, so it doesn't matter.''

''Okay.'' Asami sighed softly. ''Then I'll tell Keiji-san.''

Just when she was about to turn around, I called her name. ''Asami.''

She blinked a few times before she did as I said, slowly, almost hesitantly, making her way toward me. Walking around the desk, she stood now before me. I got off my chair and instead of looking up to her, I was now looking down.

I took her jaw firmly in my hand and turned her head slightly. "Are you feeling better?"

Asami hummed and grabbed the wrist of the hand I was holding her with. "I'm better now." She replied softly, and she placed her hand on her stomach, where her scar was. "The only thing that bothers me is that it still tingles a bit painfully sometimes."

"Of course you'd still feel it." I grunted as I turned her face back to me. "It's still sensitive and the skin isn't so thick anymore."

Asami pursed her lips and raised her hand from her stomach to my face. I squinted my eyes at first, but when her slender fingers gently took a few strands of my hair that were hanging in front of my face and put them behind my ear, a small smile appeared on her face. ''You look much better like this.'' she whispered. ''I can see more of your face.''

The cold fingertips of her fingers touched my cheek and she stood on her toes to give me a short kiss. When she pulled away, I grunted and turned her face again, this time up, and I bent down. Asami was a bit startled, but it didn't take long until she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

The kiss was soft and slow, but there was a hidden passion beneath. It had been a few days since we'd kissed like this, and I was craving for more. Asami hummed softly when the kiss became more rough and bold and she tightened her arms around me, like she needed me for support. I placed my hands on her waist and pressed her more firmly against me. Asami flinched slightly, and for a moment, she pressed her lips together.

I broke the kiss and looked at her. She was panting faintly and her hand was softly pressed against her stomach. It didn't take long for me to understand what happened. ''Did I hurt you?''

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