Chapter 26. Thoughts.

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Sorry for the long wait! Even though school is over, I still have to go to work almost every day and my wrist has been hurting a lot more than before so I can't write painlessly. And it's very annoying when you want to write so badly because you have finally some inspiration, but you can't.. Well, here's the next chapter :)

Asami's POV.

''Yumi?'' I asked slowly. ''What do you think of Madara?''

Yumi frowned at me, but a sly grin appeared on her face. ''You're on first-name basis with him?'' she smirked. ''What happened when I was gone?''

''N-Nothing. I always call people by their name when they aren't around.'' I stammered. ''You know that.''

Yumi sighed and looked back to what was in front of her as we continued to walk through Konoha. ''What I think of Madara-san, eh?'' she asked herself. ''I don't know. He doesn't look very kind and he kinda scared me sometimes with that eerie glare. I don't know him very good though.''

I pursed my lips and began to ponder. After Tobirama said those things about Madara, I began to think about what others would think about him. I already knew he wasn't exactly loved in this village, but he was just misunderstood. His expression didn't express what he truly felt.

Madara's POV.

Damn that Mitsuru. Giving me this letter before leaving. He said he was in a hurry, but he still could have given it to Asami himself. I was already busy enough. Even though I didn't like the reason, I didn't mind seeing Asami again. The wedding was two days ago, and I hadn't seen her since then.

Even though I didn't like the reason, I didn't mind seeing her. I wanted to ask her a few things anyway. Just when I began to think about where to find her, I saw a certain redhead walking in the distance with her friend.

I didn't know why Asami was still hanging out with Yumi. She was even more childish than Asami could ever be and she truly annoyed me.

Just when Asami noticed me approaching, I shoved the letter in her hands. She glanced from the letter at me, looking quite baffled.

''It's from your friend.'' I muttered. ''He already left.''


I nodded in response, and saw Asami's eyes sadden as she looked at the closed envelope.

''Open it.'' Yumi urged.

Asami sighed and ripped the envelope open, taking out a sheet. Her green eyes scanned the paper before closing. Asami smiled sadly as a few tears leaked from her eyes and she crumpled the paper with her hands. ''Mitsuru, you idiot.''

Tobirama's POV.

She didn't listen at all. I warned her. I told her to stay away from Madara, yet she stubbornly refused to hearken to me. Asami just didn't understand that Madara wasn't the person he once was. She didn't know who he once was after all. Even if Asami meant well, Madara was unsavable.

The Uchiha are people greatly devoted to love and friendship, yet they tend to conceal their more affectionate traits. But when what they love is lost, they fall into a deep and dark pit of hatred. Their love would transform into hatred. The deeper they  would fall, the more they would hate. Every pit has its bottom, there's a limit to by how much hatred and darkness they could be consumed, yet Madara hasn't reached the bottom yet. He's still falling.

And he was falling too deep.

Asami's POV.

''Keiji isn't here?'' I asked as I followed Madara into his house, looking around. He simply shook his head and lay down on the couch, closing his tired eyes. I knew he has been working hard lately, but he has also been going to Naka shrine more often. I didn't know what he would do there, but I didn't like it.

A scowl appeared on Madara's face as he let out a grunt. I frowned at him, but my lips curled into a smile once I saw him pat the couch. I slowly walked over to him and sat down on the only free spot on the couch. The rest was occupied by Madara.

When the scowl was still there, I pressed my forefinger against the wrinkled skin between his eyebrows. ''What did I tell you?'' I muttered, referring to what I said a few days ago.

Madara sighed and relaxed his face, his eyes slightly opening. If only people would see this side of Madara; calm and peaceful. He wasn't the guy people thought he was. Sure, he could be strict, bossy, and annoying sometimes, but he's only human, just like all of us. So why do people look at him like he's a monster?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a finger against my forehead. ''You shouldn't frown.'' I heard Madara mutter. ''You'll get wrinkles.''

I looked down at him as he lazily looked up to me. He used his free arm as pillow as he still had his finger pressed against my face. I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand down, holding it firmly. Madara frowned at me. ''Is something wrong?''

I hesitated. Should I tell him about what was bothering me? It wasn't really my problem, but it's not like it didn't have anything to do with me. I cared about Madara, and I really wanted to help him, but Madara rather did things without any help. He was very independent. The only one he really relied on sometimes was Keiji.


From the sound of his deep voice I could tell he was getting a bit impatient.

''...Aren't you.. bothered?'' I asked slowly and carefully. I didn't want to anger him. I didn't even know how he would react to this question.

''By what?'' Now his eyes were fully open and gazing right at me, only making me feel more uncomfortable.

''By what people say.'' I whispered, looking down at his hand, playing with his fingers. ''And what they think of you?''

Madara averted his gaze to the ceiling and closed his eyes again. ''Not really.'' he mumbled. ''There will always be people who despise me. And why should I care? If they don't like me then that's their problem. It's not like I want everyone to adore me anyway.''

''Oh, I see.'' I murmured.

I heard Madara sigh loudly before feeling fingers wrap around my upper arm, pulling me down to the couch. My cheek was now pressed against the fabric of Madara's attire and I felt my face heat up. ''M-Madara..''

''And why do you care anyway?'' Madara asked as he was aimlessly playing with a strand of my red hair. ''It's not something you should worry about.''

I bit my lip. How could I not care? It was normal to worry about someone you love, right? ''I just don't want people to think untrue things about you.''

Madara released my hair and grabbed my chin, raising my head a little so he could look right into my green eyes with his piercing onyx ones. ''I told you. I don't care what they think about me. They can believe what they want. As long as I have at least a few people I can trust, I'm already satisfied, okay?''

I nodded and Madara pulled his hand back from my face, putting it around my waist instead. ''I don't need anyone besides the people I have now.''


Was Madara a bit OOC at the end? I have read many stories when he was pretty aggressive and mean against the OC, but I believe he wouldn't do that to someone he cares about. I thought he would treasure the OC instead. I don't know what is right or wrong, but this is what I believe. Please tell me what you think.

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