Chapter 39. Relaxation.

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Maybe a bit boring but I'm out of inspiration so I just made up a few things so I had something to write about *sigh* This is also a really short chapter... (around 850 words..)I almost feel guilty for making it this short but I'm really low on inspiration for this chapter. I have a lot of ideas for the next one but I can't just start that here... Well, I hope you enjoy it anyway :)

Asami's POV.

I let out a satisfying sigh as I let myself sink into hot spring. The warm water immediately had a relaxing effect on me. I really needed this. I couldn't even remember the last time I did something for myself.

The water waved slightly once Yumi came into the water too. We decided to take it easy and do something relaxing. It didn't take long before we both agreed to go to the hot springs. I had to admit that I had missed Yumi. It's been some time did something together or even seen saw each other.

Even though there was still some uncomfortable tension between us, we did our best to get over it and act like we used to act around each other. I didn't know what exactly caused it, but we grew a little bit apart the last few weeks.

''How's your brother?'' I asked, breaking the uneasy silence. ''I heard he's pretty busy lately.''

Yumi pursed her lips and nodded softly. ''He is. Hiroaki is doing his very best trying to satisfy everybody. Many still complain about some inconveniences.'' Yumi grunted. ''We live already much better than before Konoha was founded, but some think living in a village like this would solve more problems.''

I really prejudged Hiroaki. He may be a bit foolish, but he was a great leader, but there were still some things I didn't understand. ''Problems?'' I asked. ''Like conflicts?''

''Conflicts, but also food shortage, lack of money and inequality.'' Yumi said.

It's true that the wars ended when villages like Konoha began to appear, but they were still conflicts among the clans. Some really despise others and they don't try to hide it. Calling each other names on the street, getting in fights..

Then there was the food shortage. There was rice and other fruit and vegetable cultivation, but it wasn't enough for a village that was pretty recently built, so we had to import food. But since there were still some clans out there that didn't belong to a village, the people who import the food were ambushed now and then. That caused the food shortage.

Since all the houses and buildings in Konoha were built, people who helped building those had now no job. Konoha was still too small and there weren't enough jobs available. Of course there were missions to go on, but there weren't enough yet for everybody and there were only a few shops to work at.

Finally, we have inequality. Most people thought that living in Konoha would make them equal to other clans, but there were clear differences. The Senju clan was obviously the one with the most power in hands. Not only because Hashirama was Hokage, but also because they were one of the strongest clans. The Senju clan needs had priority to other's needs. Most people didn't like this unfair treatment.

Konoha was still nowhere near perfect, but I believed it would become much better. Everyone still had to get used to living with other clans in peace and accepting each other. Of course that would take time and wouldn't happen in the first few weeks.

We all did unforgivable things. We may not be aware of this, but it was true. It was hard to restrain yourself from letting feelings of revenge take you over when you see the face of the murderer of someone dear to you walking in the distance.

We all lived together now, and starting another war would be fatal. We may have difficulty by the way things are now, but future generations would be able to live in peace without these feelings of hatred.

I shivered once a cold breeze blew against my warm skin and I let myself sink further into the water and looked up at the sky. The sun was shining brightly, almost blindingly. Even though is was pretty warm outside today, it would be getting colder soon. Winter was coming after all.

I sighed and looked at Yumi, who was spacing out. I guess we both didn't know what to say anymore, but that was fine. Nothing needed to be said anyway. I was already glad we were doing something together.

Madara's POV.


Keiji looked at me. ''Yes, Madara-sama?''


He looked confused at first, but then noticed he was holding three plates in his hands instead of two. Grinning sheepishly, he quickly put one back and placed the other two on the table. ''I guess I'm used to having Asami-san around.'' he murmured. ''She stays here very often for dinner after all.''

I sighed and put my elbow on the table, resting my head in my hand. It was true. Asami was  here a lot lately, mostly in the evening. We both had out own things to do during the day after all.

''It seems so empty.'' Keiji sighed as placed the food on the table. ''Is she still with Yumi-san?''

I shrugged in response. She probably was eating somewhere with Yumi, but she could also be at Mito's or at her own house.

''Would you like to drink something, Madara-sama?'' Keiji asked as he walked back to the kitchen. ''Sake maybe, or something else?''

''I'm fine.'' I said.

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