Chapter 36. Night [Part 1]

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Madara's POV.

I watched Asami as she was doing the dishes. Even though I told her to leave it be, she insisted, saying that it was the least she could do. I wondered how she could be so willing to do things for others. If I was her, I wouldn't even bother.

Asami wore her hair in a messy bun she quickly made so her hair wouldn't be dirtied while doing the dishes. It was long enough to be washed along with the plates and the cutlery. I still remember it being shorter than mine, but over the last months, it had grown longer.

Asami blew a few loose strands, which had come loose from the bun, out of her face, but was unsuccessful. They only fell right back into her face. Her hands were wet and soapy so she couldn't use them to remove the strands of red hair. For a moment, I considered helping her, but then realized watching would be more amusing, so I stayed were I stood.

Asami grunted with an annoyed expression on her face as she used her arm to brush the strands away, but they kept coming back, so she decided to ignore them as she continued with what she was doing.

After she was almost done, I started to walk over to her. She was still focused on the unnecessary work, so she didn't notice me approaching. Now standing behind her, Asami must have noted my presence now as she looked over her shoulder to look at me.

''Is there something?'' She asked.

Grabbing both her arms, I lifted them out of the dishwater. ''You've done enough.'' I said as I took a towel and threw it at her. ''You're too nice.'' I muttered as I watched her dry her hands. ''People will make use of that kindness.''

Asami chuckles and placed the towel on the counter. ''Like I will let people make use of my good traits. I may not be the smartest but I'm not that stupid either.''

''I hope so.''

Asami glared playfully at me and attempted nudged her elbow into my stomach, but I easily read her movements and grabbed her arm before she could do anything. Pouting, Asami muttered some complaints before I let her go.

''Nice try.'' I chuckled. ''Better luck next time.''

''You're so mean!'' Asami grumbled. ''Is it so hard to not be so insulting?''

''Insulting?'' I asked. ''I don't know how 'better luck next time' is supposed to be insulting.''

Asami crossed her arms over her chest. ''Then say it without sarcasm dripping from your voice. You say it as if I'd never able to even pinch you.''

I sighed. ''That's not true.''

Sometimes I wondered how things ever came to be like this. Our compatibility could be bad at times. Asami easily took things too serious or too personal. But even if were so different from each other, we could understand each other better than anyone else.

''Ugh you're so annoying.'' Asami mumbled as she looked up to me.

''Who's insulting now?''

''You're the worst.'' Asami stated.

I chuckled as I looked down at her. ''I know.'' I muttered.

Asami sighed and leaned her head against my chest. ''Absolutely the worst.''

I brought my hand to her head and easily undid the hair tie that was holding her hair together in a bun. The now loose, red strands fell down and I placed my hand on her head. We stayed like that for a moment, until Asami spoke up. ''But at the same time, I don't think there is anybody better for me.'' she whispered.

I chuckled and Asami looked up again to glare at me as she was blushing slightly. ''D-Don't laugh at me!''

I put my hands on her cheeks and leaned down. ''I'm not laughing at you.'' I murmured before pressing my lips to hers.

Asami resisted slightly at first, but already quickly gave in, just like I expected.

When she pulled away, the faint blush was still visible on her cheeks as she pouted slightly, but she was unable to hide a small smile. She had to look up to me due the height difference, and she gazed into my eyes. Standing on her toes, she quickly pecked my lips. ''I love you, Madara.''

The sincerity in her eyes told me that she meant what she said. Even though I knew Asami wouldn't lie about things like this, but it was satisfying to know I could trust her upon hearing those words. Asami was about to step away, but I pressed my hand against the small of her back and brought her back to me.

Asami's eyes widened slightly in surprise as I put my other hand on the nape of her neck and pulled her toward me. Asami smiled and, this time without resisting, let me kiss her. Her eyes fluttered closed as she returned it while placing her arms around my shoulders to keep me close. The kiss was soft, yet also a bit urgent. This one lasted longer than the previous one, and I got the feeling it wouldn't be the last kiss we'd share tonight.

The way Asami held onto me as she tried to keep up with the kiss, which had now become more passionate, told me she was a bit hesitant, but she didn't show any signs of wanting to stop. I tilted her head to get better access and also deepened the kiss slightly. Asami whimpered and I felt her stagger a bit as the kiss got more intense. Knowing it was becoming too much for Asami, I broke the kiss.

Asami panted softly as she gazed at me with half-lidded eyes. That kiss was rather satisfying. Almost too satisfying. It left me wanting more. My eyes were now focused on a pair of lips. The red lipstick she was wearing was now mostly gone, only a few smudges remaining. I was pulled out of my thoughts once I felt a warm hand on my cheek, and my gaze went from her lips to her green eyes.

The look in her eyes was gentle, yet I noticed a glimpse of puckishness. The silence between us was making it only worse. It was neither awkward nor pressuring. It was only titillating.

Leaning down again, I pressed my lips against hers, less gentle then the last time, and continued where we left off. Tightening my arms around her small body, I pressed her flush against mine, lessening the distance between us. Asami responded to this action by running her hands through my hair.

Returning the kiss with equal amount of force,  Asami's hands went from my hair to the collar of my attire and they kept remaining around there while I brought my hands to the sash of the kimono she was wearing. I undid it, but now without having a few difficulties. I had to temporarily end the kiss to get it off. Now that the sash was gone, I was about to take the kimono off, but Asami stopped me from doing do by grabbing my hand, halting my movements.

''Not here.'' she muttered as she looked past me, not courageous enough to look me in the eyes at the moment.



I know that I'm kinda stopping now in the middle of the chapter but I really can't go on. I worked 4 whole hours on this chap and I'm falling asleep here. It's almost 1am and I have school tomorrow. I just felt so guilty that it took a week for be to update so I kept writing while I still had the energy to. Anyway, I will continue this chapter soon. Sorry if it's not very good, but that's to expect from me after still being awake while I already barely slept last night. Also sorry for my lateness :))

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