Chapter 1. Arrival.*

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Asami's POV.

I was nervously playing with the long sleeves of my kimono as we neared the gates of the village. After the destruction of Uzoshiogakure, Mito moved with the clan to this village, which was still unnamed now. The Uzumaki clan helped clearing out the mountains and building this village. I have never been to this village before. Mito went with the clan to this village almost two years ago, but I stayed behind to look for clan members who fled after the destruction of Uzushiogakure.

But now I am going to live in this village too, and Mito awaited me far away from the village gates, and walked me back. Mito told me on the way that Hashirama had always wanted to meet me, but she didn't really look happy to see me herself. I was glad to see her again after such a long time, but Mito had to ruin the mood to tell me how terrible I looked. I was just wearing a simple kimono, not one I was used to wear back in Uzushiogakure. Mito liked it formal, but I liked it simple. I just decided to ignore her, and to look forward to meeting Hashirama.

We were distant blood relatives of the Senju clan after all, and we also had an alliance with the clan. And now Mito would marry the leader of the Senju clan to strengthen our bonds. Mito didn't seem to care much about the arranged marriage, but I am just glad I am younger than my sister, or else I would have been the one to marry Hashirama.

It was very common to marry one from another clan to build alliances, or to strengthen, but I still didn't like it very much.

We entered the village, and I looked around with a small smile played on my lips. There were not so many houses, less than I expected. I know the village doesn't exist that long yet, but I still thought there would be more than this, but I am not disappointed in how the village looks like. It was beautiful.

''Asami.'' spoke Mito, who stood behind me. ''Come.''

I turned around and saw Mito look at me rather bored. I huffed and began to walk towards her, but froze when I noticed a man standing next to her.

He was a tall, fair-skinned man with white, shaggy hair, dark-coloured eyes and he had three red markings on his face. One under each of his eyes, and one on his chin. He was wearing a blue armor and a happuri that framed his face.

''This is Senju Tobirama, Hashirama's brother.'' Mito introduced him.

I smiled awkwardly, feeling stupid for not noticing him earlier, and bowed shortly. ''Uzumaki Asami, it's nice to meet you, Tobirama-san.''

He nodded at me and turned back to Mito, ignoring me. ''Follow me to the Senju compound, Hashirama wishes to see you.''

Tobirama-san began to walk away, and I pouted and crossed my arms as I silently followed them.

I was slightly nervous to meet the leader of the Senju clan. I have never met him before. I never went to the meetings between the clans, back when Uzushiogkure wasn't destroyed during the war yet. Mito did go to the meetings with the clan leader, she was more important to the clan, unlike me...

In the distance, I saw a huge compound. All the houses were beautiful, and I knew this must be the work of Hashirama with his Wood Release. The houses were perfectly detailed and I stopped to look at them a bit longer. I wasn't really paying attention I guess, because when I looked around me, I noticed that Mito and Tobirama-san were already gone. I saw them in the distance and quickly ran after him. Was it that hard to wait for a sec?

I finally caught up with them and glared at Mito, but she ignored me, as usual.. Did I ever do something to her or something? Before Uzushiogakure was destroyed, she at least acknowledged my presence. Did she feel more important now that she is going to marry Hashirama. Does she think she is better than me?

We walked through the compound gates, and several Senju turned their gazes towards us. Some of them bowed, probably for Tobirama-san. The houses in the Senju compound where the same as the ones outside the compound, only a bit bigger

I guess I wasn't really paying attention... again.., because I bumped into someone. I was about to fall on my butt in the dirt, if it wasn't for the hand who grabbed my arm. Tobirama-san looked annoyed at me, and I blushed from embarrassment. Mito sighed and I just knew she was mentally facepalming. Since when was she like this, like she was ashamed of me? Was I that bad? I have to admit that I am clumsy, not very smart, lazy, and much more, but hey, it's not like she is perfect herself! Don't get me wrong, I love my sister, but I didn't really get the feeling she loved me too.

I loved my clan too, and I wanted to bring it back together again. That's why I stayed behind when Mito went to this village, to search for all the people who fled. I know that many died during the war, when Uzushiogakure was destructed, but I wanted to keep the people who were left together. I don't know how many were left, but most of us were now in this village. The Shinobi World is big, and I knew some Uzumaki are still walking around there, seeking refuge. I managed to find a few clan members, and I sent them to here. I knew I would never be able to find all the clan members again, and stopped looking for the remained ones and went to this village..''Sorry.'' I apologised and I smiled sheepishly at Tobirama-san. He rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips. ''We're here.''

I frowned and looked around me. I looked at the huge house in front of me. This one was even more beautiful than the other ones. I guess that was logical since Hashirama lived in this one, and he was the leader of the Senju clan.

''Come on, Asami.'' Mito muttered as she walked towards the door of the house. I pouted at her and quickly ran after her. Mito opened the door to the house, and I followed her. The house was on the inside even more beautiful than on the outside, and I really admired it. I couldn't believe Mito lived in here!


Mito sounded even more annoyed and I sighed softly and began to follow her again. Mito always has been like this, only now it is worse than two years ago..  I finally noticed that Tobirama-san had magically disappeared and I raised an eyebrow, wondering where he went to.

Mito opened one of the many doors in the hallway and she walked into the room. I was right behind her, and frowned when I saw Tobirama-san. He was standing next to a desk, and I swallowed thickly when I saw a man sitting at that desk. He had a tanned skin and dark eyes. He had waist-length brown hair, and he had a wide smile on his face.

Mito elbowed me and I quickly bowed as I let out a grunt with a pout on my face. That really hurt! I glared at her from the corners of my eyes and Hashirama laughed. ''Asami, isn't it?''

I nodded and he smiled at me. ''I am Senju Hashirama.''


This is the first chapter of the story I promised some of you guys. Sorry that it took so long, but I had to do a lot of research. I know some things may be not right, but then I wanted it that way.

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