Chapter 44. Treatment.

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Normally, it takes me a week or longer to update a chapter, but now, I published a (longer than usual) chapter after 3(?) days already. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I hope it's a bit good, and I also hope that you'll enjoy it :)

Hiroaki's POV.

When I was informed of the current situation in the village, I immediately went out. Those bastards that killed Yumi where out there, so there was no way that I was going to sit still. All the sorrow and sadness that I felt turned into hatred, and I was eager to find the culprits, but that hatred quickly disappeared when I found Asami.

The moment I saw her fall down, I ignored the other guy and ran at her. Blood was soaking her kimono, and she coughed weakly. I knelt down at her side and held my hands above the wound before a green glow appeared around them. I knew Medical Ninjutsu, but wasn't good enough to heal Asami completely. No vitals were hit, but they weren't undamaged either. I was currently healing them, but the wound itself was too big, and the bleeding wouldn't stop either. And that wasn't the only problem..

She needed to go to a more professional healer, but moving her was out of the question and I couldn't leave either. I was able to supress the bleeding a little, so if I left her, she'd bleed to death for sure. I gritted my teeth. I had no choice but to wait and hope that there would be a medical ninja among them.

For now, my priority was to keep Asami alive. Letting her die after what happened to Yumi would make me feel terrible. Asami was Yumi's friend and they cared for each other, so I had to keep her alive.

After hearing a groan, I looked over my shoulder and saw the man slowly getting up on his feet. The kunai was still in his shoulder, and he pulled it out. He was weak at the moment, so even if he'd try to attack, I doubt he'd be able to beat me in his current state.

The moment he raised his kunai, I narrowed my eyes and took a kunai of my own out of my pouch while my other hand continued to heal Asami. Holding my weapon ready, I waited for him to make the first move, but he never got to make it.

My eyes widened in shock when he was suddenly blown back, landing with his back against the tree, screaming in pain once his own kunai was pinning his hand to the bark. Blood trickled down his arm and he tried to pull the kunai out, but it didn't work. Now for the one who did this..

Madara wrapped his fingers around the neck of the man, and began to squeeze. Choking sounds were heard and the man writhed helplessly. Just when I thought he'd die, I heard a voice. ''Madara, don't kill him.''

Madara scoffed at Tobirama, who had just arrived, together with Keiji. ''We have to interrogate him..'' the Senju said. Madara grunted and let go, turning to me. The look in his eyes sent shivers down my spine and he walked at me. ''Her condition?'' he asked as he knelt at the other side of Asami.

I examined her body quickly before I answered. ''A few cuts, but none of them are very deep. A dislocated shoulder and a gash in her stomach. I have already healed anything that was damaged when she was stabbed, but the wound itself won't close. I don't know for sure if she isn't wounded anywhere else.''

''Her right shoulder?'' Madara asked, and I nodded, but when he stood up, I understood what he wanted to do. ''Madara-san, we should let a medical ninja do this.'' I said hastily, but he wouldn't listen.

Madara's POV.

I moved the bone back into the shoulder socket, ignoring Hiroaki's complaints, and heard Asami whimper softly. She was barely conscious, but she'd surely faint in the next few minutes. I went back to her side and looked at the cut in her stomach. Blood was still coming out. I grunted and looked at the Sarutobi. ''I just have to close it, right?''

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