Chapter 38

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Two months passed in a blur. Everyone's life was going as usual. Jimin and Daihee's wedding preparations were going on too. They are marrying next week and everyone is so happy for them. 

Also, Aerin and Jungsan become best friends in these two months. Now Jungsan is not scared of her and almost enjoys his whole day with Aerin. Yumi and Mrs. Min are so happy that the younger daughter-in-law of Jeon's playing a very precious role in caring for the elder son. 

Jungsan also started changing. Not completely but as time is passing, it is always bringing changes in him. Now, he was able to understand things faster than before and also can reply very easily not with much speak lacks. But still, he was not fully recovered.

It was the time of night, Jk came inside the mansion while talking to someone on his phone when his eyes went on the hall where AeRin and Jungsan were sitting. Their giggles were hearable to him. He just kept starring at them Emotionlessly. Especially Aerin.

AR: here, you're done....

AeRin said completing the painting which she and Jungsan were drawing for so long.
Jungsan gasped and clapped in happiness.

JS: OMG! Girlfriend, you're so smart.

He jumped and quickly hugged AeRin leaving her flabbergasted. Not to make it too awkward, AeRin hugged him back Patting his back.

And, yeah, he used to call her girlfriend. And, she didn't object because she knew it wasn't mean that girlfriend but girl friend.

JK: what is happening here?

Jungkook's voice echoed in the hall and AeRin and Jungsan turned around. Jungsan's smiled increased when he saw his younger brother.

JS: Jungkook ah, see what we made...

He said happily and showed him the scenery which he and AeRin made together. But all the time, jk's eyes were setting on AeRin who was standing behind Jungsan Looking down.

JK: it's beautiful. Who made this?

JS: me and my girlfriend.

Jungsan exclaimed happily pointing at AeRin. Aerin's eyes became wide and she gulped down her saliva thickly when she felt Jungkook was glaring at her.

JK: girlfriend?

Jungkook asked raising his eyebrow in a playful manner making AeRin's nerves turned cold. She nibbled her lower lip nervously.

JS: yeah she is my girlfriend.

Jungsan said happily and made AeRin stand in front of Jk face to face. But, the courage to look in jk's red eyes was nowhere in her.

JK: girlfriend....

Jk clenched his teeth looking at her. He himself didn't know, but he was not liking when Jungsan called AeRin his girlfriend.
He knew that Jungsan didn't mean what he said but still Jk's possessive alpha took control of his mind.

JS: yes..  she is a girl... And she is my friend... So she is my girlfriend. Simple.

Jungsan exclaimed happily and jk smirked.

JK: oh! Is that so?

He asked. Aerin looked down nervously as she can feel jk's burning glares on herself.

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