Chapter 63

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 Aerin rolled on the bed feeling the sun rays on her face which tiptoed inside through the curtains blessing her day. She let out a slight groan opening her eyes. Rubbing them she yawned. Feeling a weight around her waist, she looked down as it was indeed belonged to her husband who was sleeping beside her while putting half of his weight on her.

She slightly pushed his hand back. Sliding out of the quilt, she wore her sleepers going towards the closet when she was blessed seeing her daughter’s angelic face. She was sleeping peacefully in her crib as Aerin smiled. Her cute light snores leaving her mouth making her look even cuter as Aerin giggled.

“Good morning, baby,” she wished her pecking her forehead as little Aejung stirred in her sleep same as her father does when Aerin used to tease him and annoy him before. The smile changed with the sadness on her eyes as she remembered about those moments.

Indeed they were beautiful yet they hurt her and so as him.

Maybe because they were just a part of a vigorous game that has snatched their happiness.

Aerin frowned hugging her clothes, she walked inside the bathroom to take the shower and get ready for the day. She was back in the bedroom when she was welcomed an already awakened JK who was sitting shirtless on the bed as little Aejung was playing in his lap. Her little chubby fingers continuously playing with his nose and cheeks and he was giggling while tickling her in her tummy.

She entered inside clearing her throat to gain the attention when JK looked up. His facial expressions changed to a serious one after interacting with her as he again focused on his little baby who was hugging his arms.

“Good morning,” Aerin said smiling as he nodded in returned humming.

“Give her to me so that I can feed her before going downstairs,” Aerin said as JK nodded placing Aejung in Aerin’s arms. He smiled squeezing her chubby cheeks and kissed before getting up to leave for the shower.

After a while when she was done filling her little daughter’s tummy, Aejung slept back again as Aerin sighed chuckling.

‘Now she won’t be up before 12’

Aerin thought chuckling. She placed little Aejung on her crib covering her with her baby pink quilt and kissed her cheek before leaving the room to go downstairs.

She went downstairs straight made her way towards the kitchen when she found out Yumi in big dilemma inside. Aerin frowned in confusion before entering inside and shook Yumi making her come out of her thoughts.

“Unnie, what were you thinking?” she asked in confusion as Yumi shrugged.

“Aerin-ah, I’m a bit confused,” Yumi frowned.


“You know, today Jimin, Daihee, V and Ahyeon are coming,” she said as Aerin nodded agreeing.

“But I don’t know what to prepare for the food,” Yumi pouted as Aerin giggled making her scowl.

“Only this?” she asked as Yumi nodded biting her lower lip in confusion.

“What should we prepare for the evening?” Whined Yumi as Aerin giggled before patting her shoulder.

“Umm… Let’s prepare everyone’s favorite. And something light yet delicious. What say?” Aerin suggested as Yumi gave her a thumbs up agreeing.

“Okay so let’s prepare the menu first. We will start preparation from the evening,” Aerin said. Nodding, Yumi bring a note pad and a pen. Both sat down discussing the ingredients for the menu as the time passed.

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