Chapter 54

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Her eyes opened blinking few times to adjust the light of the white room. She kept looking at the white ceiling whether her mind slowly started to coming back to consciousness. She turned her head only to find a nurse working beside her. 


She whispered slowly to gain the nurse's attention. The lady gasped seeing Aerin and marched towards her. "Oh my god, You woke up?" The nurse exclaimed while checking Aerin's condition. 

"You're normal, Mrs. Jeon," She informed her with a warm smile. "Sister, where's my baby?" The first question she asked came out as a whisper because of the weakness. "Ma'am, your baby is fine," She informed relieving Aerin. 

"Can I see her, Please," 

She asked as the nurse nodded. She went out to the next room where the baby has been placed inside a beautiful crib. Aerin could see that through the big glass which was attached from her room to the baby's room. 

Tears of happiness, delight ness fell down her eyes which she wiped quickly impatiently waiting for her baby girl to come over to her lone embrace now. 

"Here's your baby, Ma'am," She handed her the little princess who was closing her eyes sleeping peacefully. Aerin's face filled with different and different emotions seeing her baby for the first time. Her baby. Her daughter. 

"She is sleeping so peacefully," The nurse said at which Aerin nodded whether her eyes were set onto her little girl. A wave of emotions ran through her. Every single moment crossed her mind. 

Finally, her baby was now there with her. 

"After your delivery, you went unconscious. In meantime, your husband took care of you and the baby so well," The nurse told her making her eyes slightly wide in surprise. "He?" She asked at which the nurse nodded. 

"Yes, He would sit all night long starring at you and when the baby wakes up, he would bring her here to you, feed her, and take care of her," She explained making her astonish but deep down, she felt an amount of happiness and butterflies in her stomach listening to her. 

"I must say, you're so lucky," She said making Aerin astonish but smile unwantedly. "For how long I was unconscious?" Aerin asked.

"For five days," The nurse informed making Aerin almost gasp in surprise. "Five days?" She repeated. "Yes, due to huge blood loss, you went unconscious, But don't worry, you're fine now. Let me call doctor to check upon you're reports" she informed at which Aerin nodded.

"Can I breastfeed my daughter?" She asked hesitantly. The nurse nodded smiling. "Sure, ma'am,"

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome, ma'am"

The nurse nodded leaving Aerin with her little daughter. Aerin's eyes falls on her daughter's beautify, naive features, her small milky hands, her tiny milky red feets, her tiny button nose, her chubby cheeks and innocent eyes. All made her smile warmly that tears rolled down her cheeks.

Finally, someone has come who will become her strength.

Someone has come whom she can share her goods and bad with.

Someone has come who will understand her.

Someone has come who will love her.


Silver tears rolled down of her cheeks feeling herself on the cloud9. She was so happy, so delightful, so enlightened.

"Welcome baby, Welcome to mama. Mama loves you so much. You're her life. Thank you for sparkling your mama's life,"

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