Chapter 68

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Aerin shrugged looking down. It was almost morning but still the darkness was surrounding all around. It was early 4: 00 AM. When Aerin gets to know about Jungsan being admit in the hospital for an emergency surgery, she quickly left the mansion and came to the hospital.

Aerin gritted her teeth when the cold winds swept over her. She was standing outside the hospital building. It was the time of early morning hence, not much crowd was surrounding the area.

She hugged herself to be warm because of the cold breezes which were hitting her. Sighing, she sat down on the bench. Her head hung low and palms rubbing against each other generating a bit of heat.

Hearing light footsteps, she looked up only to find JK standing approaching her. His state was a complete mess and his eyes were red and swollen. He was looking exhausted, drained and ill but he did care less about this.

Aerin’s eyes blinked a few times before she got up approaching JK with her fast steps. She stood in front of him, breathing heavily while he has nothing on his face except looking at her with empty eyes.

“How’s he?” asked Aerin, her breaths still didn’t calmed down but all she do care is about asking for Jungsan from JK. The curiosity was running around her and she needs answers to all of her questions. No one tell her anything. All they were telling her was that Jungsan was fine but no one did tell her what had happened to him. Hence, to know about him, she herself came to the hospital.

“What did the doctor say?” She asked again but JK didn’t say a single word except for standing there with an expressionless face. Aerin frowned being turmoil. Completely blank by his behavior as he wasn’t telling her anything except to keep starring at her.  

“Why aren’t you saying anything? What did the doctor say? How’s Jungsan? Is he fine?” She asked without stopping for a single breath as JK slightly shook his head. His eyes lowered automatically and few tears fell off of his eyes. Aerin twisted her eyebrows in confusion.

“What?” She asked but her voice comes out as a weak whisper after seeing JK.

“No, He isn’t fine.” JK replied in a weak tone that was cracking because of his sobs as he left Aerin completely shock.

“What? W…what happened to h…him?” She asked but he remained silent.

“Jungkook, answer me. What happened to me?” She asked again, her voice a little higher and cracking with sobs.

“T…those goons…. They m…moles…ted h…him,” His voice cracked leaving Aerin completely shock and speechless. She gasped not believing what JK had just said.

Jungsan was molested.

They molested him.

They snatched his everything.

Tears fell down from Aerin’s already swollen and red eyes after hearing JK out and she just forgot to breathe not knowing what to say.

“H…how’s h…he?” She asked when JK broken down felling on his knees leaving Aerin speechless. He face-palmed crying so badly that Aerin could notice very well. She was shocked, completely shocked.

“H…he i…is in coma,” He broken down sobbing leaving Aerin shocked.

Jungsan went in coma.

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