Chapter 82

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“I must say this one is looking good. What you think?” asked Yumi to Aerin who was scrolling the pages on her phone’s screen as her attention got caught by Yumi’s voice. She looked up only to see Yumi holding a dress onto her chest waiting impatiently for Aerin’s opinion.

“What do you say?” Yumi asked with a smile.

“Unnie, it’s pretty,” Aerin replied giving her honest opinion upon the pretty golden dress in Yumi’s hands making Yumi giggle.

“I know right now if Yoongi has given me a good sum why mind it some spending upon me?” She grinned making Aerin chuckle.


“Why don’t you buy something for yourself too?” Yumi suggested Aerin looking at her through the big glass in the changing room as Aerin shrugged before leaning on the chair.

“Should I?”

“Why not? You barely shop. Why not buy one for yourself. It’s great chance too since we’re out,” Yumi replied chuckling.

“Okay but I don’t know what do I buy like I don’t find anything that I currently didn’t have,” Aerin pouted making Yumi huff before she turned around placing the dress on the table before marching towards Aerin.

“You serious, Aerin-ah? Okay then, how about buying a dress?”

“Not bad. I guess I should buy one,” Aerin mumbled making Yumi giggle as she pulled Aerin with herself to the girl’s section looking out for a beautiful dress.

“This one,”

“It’s too revealing,”

“How about this?”

“I guess it will not be fit to my size,”  

“Then what about this one?”

“Isn’t it too heavy?”

Yumi huffed before rolling her eyes playfully facing Aerin who has a blank expression by that time.

“You serious?”

“I am,” Aerin replied chuckling making Yumi sigh as she laughed.

“Okay-okay fine,”

“Go get one for yourself. I ain’t gonna help you anymore,” Yumi said before taking a seat on the couch sighing tiredly as Aerin laughed.

“Seriously Unnie, you act like grandma. You got tired just now?” Aerin asked in sarcastic tone before Yumi looked up at her.

“You kidding? I’m just in my mid-30s. How could you use grandma?”  

“It’s because you behave like one. Gosh! That’s all is Yoongi’s Oppa’s effect,” Aerin laughed before walking away leaving Yumi with an open-mouth.

“This girl!”

“Go get an energy drink. I gotta select something by then,” With that she left Yumi alone before disappearing in the big showroom.


After the shopping, both Aerin and Yumi had their lunch in a restaurant doing all girl’s talks and enjoying their mean time before heading back to the mansion as the time was almost of evening by then.

After the dinner, all were packed to their rooms as Aerin prepared the milkshake for Aejung before heading to her room with the glass of the milk. Upon opening the door, she was met by her daughter who was already lying on the bed because of the bedtime.

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