Chapter 1

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The morning is looking bright as every day. The sun was shining and giving its most beautiful lights to the earth here.

People were doing their work like they used to do. Kids were going to school like every day.
The fast pace and sounds of cars in the city were uncontrollable.

But who knows that what is happening between all this shines.


The man kissed her hard while pressing the girl hard on the wall. Their tongues started fighting soon. As he makes his way towards the bed while not leaving her mouth.

They both fell on the bed but still, they don't care about anything soon the girl hovered over him and started placing wet kisses on his chest. He started caressing her hair and soon they turned and he made her underneath himself and started kissing her neck while she was leaving pleasure full moans.

The alcoholic taste between both of them got exchange again when they started fighting with their tongues. After a while, he finally pulled away and looked at the girl who was also smirking. He smirked at her and held her hands in his one hand while the other was massaging her up to down.

He placed his lips over her collarbone and she heaved her chest up in pleasure that he was giving her. While he was giving her pleasure and she was busy moaning.

Soon his hands reached down to his pant and he took out the gun.
The girl got startled by his actions.

Girl: what are you doing...

??: Where is Sunghyun.

He asked and the girl's breath just stopped in her throat for a second. She didn't know what to say.

Girl: i- I don't know.

??: You know... Cause you are his top prostitute. You know every single thing about your boss. Now you don't know that where he is... Huh.

Girl: w-who are you...

She asked while stuttering as the sweat started dripping from her forehead. Cause he was handling him above her head. If he wants he can just shot her in a second.

??; The one with whom everyone feared. The one who shows other their real places. The one whose order even government can't deny. The one who rules here. Jeon Jungkook.

He said and the girl's eyes become wide open. The sweat started coming with 2× speed from her forehead.

Girl: sir.. i- I don't know.

Jk; just tell me...

He shouts and she got scared. She was trying to find a way from where she can leave. She was about to get up but he again made her underneath him.

Jk: you know what... I never raise my hands and my gun on children, Women, and olds. But sluts like you never should be forgiven.

He said clenching his teeth and the girl looked at him. Within a second a loud gunshot heard in the room as he just shot her on his forehead.

Her blood stains go to his face and shirt. Staining him badly and giving evidence that he is the most feared mafia. The mafia of the mafia's Jeon Jungkook.

He gets up from the bed and left the room while putting his gun back in his pant.

He came out of the room where the two bodyguards were standing like a statue. They bowed when he came out and soon all of them left the building and make their way towards their black shiny cars. The bodyguard opened the door and he sits inside while clenching his fist in anger as he still didn't get to know about his biggest enemy.

The Unconditional Despise | J.JK | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now