Chapter 4

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"Whenever I look in your deep oceanic hazels, I can see my whole world in them"



AR: Tell me... From where you learn that much good shooting.

She asked again and he just smiled.

Jk: is there anything that your bf doesn't know to do.

He said while winking and she smiled and followed him out of the room. They went to the balcony.

She was walking there till then he approached her with the cups of coffee in both hands

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She was walking there till then he approached her with the cups of coffee in both hands.
He gave the one cup to her and she smiled and thanked him.

He went to sit on the swing while drinking his coffee and she was just freely starring out from the balcony admiring the beauty but he was busy admiring her Beauty. Till then her eyes noticed it and she turned around to face him who was sitting peacefully on the swing while drinking his coffee.

AR: What are you starring at.

She asked with a raised eyebrows and went near him. He pulled her by her waist slightly and she sits on his thigh.

Jk: I was starring at my Beautiful, cute baby.

AR: oh...

She said teasingly and started playing with the collar of his shirt. He noticed her doings and smirk. His free hand reached her waist and slightly squeezed her waist in a dirty manner. She gasped when she felt his hand under her top. She tried to get up but his hold was too strong.

Jk: god damn... You are changing into hot and sexy day by Day.

He said with his pretty little dirty smirk on his face and she again gasped. She hit his chest and he started laughing. He never acted in a sexy way to her. They only live like a sweet lovely couple. And when he does things with her she became too embarrassed.

AR: I..I wanted your permission for something.

Jk: hmm...

He said while drinking his coffee as she was still sitting over his thigh but not in an uncomfortable manner.

AR: can we go to the Orphanage today.

She asked hesitantly a little and he looked at her with an expressionless face.  Well since they both come in a relationship together, he told her not to talk or relate with anyone also her orphanage. And she also agreed at his words. But still, sometimes she misses her orphanage and she really wanted to go there to meet the children and teachers there.

He sighed upon hearing her and opened his mouth to say something but she cut him.

AR: please please... Please. For one time. Pleaseee...

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