Chapter 70

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Aerin's breaths pacified seeing Jungkook breathing heavily all as a raging wolf there. The anger could be seen in his eyes. No it wasn't actually anger. It was furiousness.

He was furious.

So damn furious

Aerin gulped seeing him stood all there like an angry panther that was just ready to attack his prey. Aerin's eyes watered feeling as if her life is now going to end with his hands. She glanced at her daughter for the last time not knowing if she will be able to see her ever again.

"J...Jun...gk...kook, I...I,"

She tried to speak out but her voice doesn't seem to be in her favor. Her heart was bleeding in pain and her throat was burning. Her legs started to get numb with the each passing second witnessing him taking the steps towards her direction.

Her heart thundered!

Not knowing what he will gonna do, she was just jammed to her spot without moving an inch and almost forgetting to breath. Standing in front of her, he kept glaring at her with the despise filling his red satanic eyes.

"How fucking dare you, Jeon Aerin?"

He spoke, his voice was low yet filled with a ton of venom, huskier yet dark, enough to make her feel as if she was going to die. Not having the courage to look up at him into eyes, Aerin kept looking down fisting her palms and praying god to let him spare her.

"You wanna go far away from here, right?" He asked but Aerin's eyes kept on the floor's direction not being able to look at him. She was scared.

Scared for her life

"Then go... Go far away from here... I won't stop you." He said making her turmoil for a second as she looked up at him with watery and swollen eyes.

"But, my daughter won't go anywhere. I'm taking her back to the mansion with me. You go fuck yourself, die or whatever, I fucking don't give a shit about it,"

He seethed with rage-filled tone before going towards the car's direction. Taking Aejung in his arms, he slammed her car's door before walking away. Aerin's heart sank deep down seeing JK taking her daughter away from her.

No, she can't let that happen. Aejung was her only hope to keep fighting with the obstacles of her life and keep going. Just by looking at Aejung's smiling face, Aerin felt motivated and strong to fight. Her daughter is her life.

And JK was taking her away from her. He was taking Aerin's life away from her. She will die if she lost Aejung. Aejung is her everything and she can't afford to loss her daughter at all.


Aerin screamed on top of her lungs, crying her out before running after him towards JK's car's direction where he was taking Aejung. Holding JK's arm, she looked at him with pleading eyes. Namjoon gulped seeing Aerin crying in agony for her little daughter that JK was snatching away from her but he can't help.

It was not his business.

He can't help but to look down not having the strength to witness whatever was going on in front of his eyes.

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