Chapter 83

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(let's start with pressing on to the STAR button. I will be so happy)


Aerin's sleep broke in the middle of the night by hearing some strange sound. Her eyes blinked a few times before she got up wearing her slippers walking to the other side of the room to see what happened. Finding the windows opened with the force of the strong winds blowing in the middle of the night.

She sighed shaking her head in disbelief before going to the side of the window to close the window back. After closing the window, she walked back to the side of the bed before sitting on the edge of the bed. Her heart was off the rhythm and she was feeling strange. She placed her hand on her chest taking a deep breath.

Maybe it was because of the middle of the night and on top, she was alone in the room.

Jungkook wasn't beside her.

Was she missing him?

The answer is, she is missing him.

Praying for him to come back soon, she poured herself a glass of water before gulping it down in the one go. Her eyes fell on the clock hanging on the wall and it was past 3 AM of night. She sighed shaking her head and lie down back before holding the quilt tightly against her chest.

'I hope I will get to see you back soon. I have a lot to tell you'


"Aerin-ah? You alright?" Yumi asked Aerin who was deep drowned in the ocean of the thoughts until Yumi came towards her finding her out zone.

"Uh um... Yes, I'm fine Unnie. Actually, I guess I was having a headache because I didn't get to sleep well last night," She said in a weak yet slow tone messaging her temple making Yumi as she sighed before taking a seat next to Aerin.

"Why? Why is that so?" She asked.

"Uh... I don't know actually I just couldn't sleep last night," Aerin sighed muttering.

"You probably are missing Kook?" Yumi asked as Aerin shrugged before fiddling with the hem of the end of her shirt. Her face lowered and paleness could be seen all over there, her eyes were looking heavy.

"It's not like th...that," She tried maintaining her voice but as soon as she did an eye-contact with Yumi, her voice gave up and croaked in the middle not being able to keep steady.

Yumi gave her a warm and fond smile before placing her hand on Aerin's shoulder caressing her to pass her some emotional strength that she felt like doing after seeing Aerin.

"Don't be too sad. He will be back once he will be over with the work. You know right how many responsibilities he walks with shoulders on," Yumi said softly making Aerin nod.

"I know," she mumbled softly.

"So just throw the sadness off and keep yourself happy," Yumi said with a new tone filled with excitement.

"Unnie, can you please go Aejung to pick from her playschool? I'm actually—"

"Don't worry about Aejung and take a good rest. I get going to pick Aejung, okay?" She said making Aerin nod as Yumi got ready to leave the living room before she turned around.

"I will ask the maid to get you some medicine. You will feel better," Yumi said before leaving making Aerin nod. Rubbing her temple, Aerin threw off her bad thoughts aside before getting up from the couch and walked upstairs to her room.

Walking into her bedroom, she closed the door before going to the bathroom to wash her face. Looking at her pale reflection, she heaved a deep sigh before drying her face with the towel. She walked out of the bathroom hearing a knock on the door as she went to look to see the maid standing there.

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