Chapter 26

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First I want to say that. I am a human and a human does mistakes.
Am I right?

Secondly, Some stupid readers between you doesn't even know what a disclaimer means. They can't even follow a single rule. 

It's already mentioned in the story that it will contain grammatical errors since I'm not that good in English. Still being a grammar police officer the user is continuously pointing out the author's mistake even tho I told her not to do so and I also said the same thing in the disclaimer. 

The user _Kookie_0 I'm tolerating you but I won't hesitate to block you dearie, If you continue doing the stupidity. 

I don't know what she wants to prove herself. A grammar police officer huh? Then she even herself doesn't know the correct usage. While pointing out my mistakes she did mistakes in many comments. But I think those stupid readers don't have any kind of a shame. They just want to offend others.
You can go and check her comments. In every comment, she just pointed out the mistakes nothing else. I don't know what she was trying to prove by doing this. 

I don't what she wants to prove? That I'm a dumb?
It's okay, Yes I'm dumb and I'm saying this on my own nobody has to make me remember this. 

But, If you tried to break the rules I won't hesitate to block you. I know I did so many mistakes but you don't have to point them out I will correct them by myself. You do not need to take it out. 

If you are here to point out my mistakes then You can go and fucking delete the book from your library. I'm not begging anyone to come and read my book. But I won't tolerate this. 



(The chapter will be a flashback of Ahyeon, Jaechan, and V's life.)



After putting Eunho to sleep, Ahyeon was waiting for Jaechan to come back. It was late midnight and he still didn't come back which make Ahyeon worried for him. 

After sometime almost midnight, she heard the doorbell. She sighed and went to open the door quickly. She saw V was there and Jaechan was standing by V's support since he was drunk.

AY: What happened? 

V: Actually, he is drunk. So, I thought of dropping him. 

V said nervously.. Ahyeon nodded and let them inside. V asked her for their room and she showed him the room. V carried Jaechan to the room on his shoulder and throws him there breathing heavily. 

JC: Aishhh! I need more glassssess... Give me one moreeee drink. 

Jaechan murmured and V gave him a weird look. 

V: What's your problem dude?

V asked sighing. He shakes his head in disbelief and thought of leaving the room. Ahyeon was still in the living room. She found V was coming back downstairs. 

She went to the kitchen and got a glass of water for V. He was about to leave but Ahyeon stopped him. 

AY: Taehyung ah- I'm mean, V ssi, water... 

She said politely forwarding him the glass of water. V's emotions started filling his heart again. He was feeling his anger was increasing in his veins. 

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