Chapter 34

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I was quiet throughout the car ride, watching the tablet on the back of Mrs. Lee's seat. I happily accepted the sippy cup that Lillian handed me and sipped it, smiling at the taste of apple juice. "Thank you mommy," I said as I sat back in my booster seat, swinging my legs back and forth slowly.

"You're welcome baby," she said as she reached back and patted my leg gently. I smiled as I grabbed her hand and patted it gently. 

"My mommy," I said with a small smile on my face. I sat back as I watched the Disney movie on the tablet, watching it quietly. I was glad that I could at least watch Lilo and Stitch on the way to the office. That way I could watch something else there.

"Yes I am indeed your mommy," Lillian said with a small smile as she looked back at me. I grinned at her around my sippy cup as I continued to nurse from my sippy cup. I giggled happily as I focused on my movie, zoning out to the world around me. 

I only snapped out of it when my door was opened. I blinked and turned my head, smiling at Lillian when she unbuckled me. I held my arms out and allowed her to pick me up, resting my head on her shoulder. My hand loosely clutched my sippy cup.

"Picnic?" I questioned as I tightened my grip to avoid dropping my sippy cup.

"Yeah, we'll set you up for your picnic," Lillian cooed as she patted my bottom. I smiled as I hid my face into her neck. "And we'll set up your movie," she promised as she kissed my head.

I smiled happily as she carried me inside, my hand loosely clutching her top. I hid my sippy cup in between us as I continued to cuddle to her. I heard her heels click onto a different surface and lifted my head up, realizing we were now in the elevator. I whined softly as I squirmed to get down.

"What's wrong baby?" Lillian asked as she set me down carefully. I clung to her waist, hiding my face into her side. 

"I want to walk with you mommy," I stated as I looked up at her slowly. She smiled as she kissed the top of my head gently, cooing down at me with a soft grin on her lips. 

"Of course baby, I would be happy to have you walk with me," she stated as she looked at Mrs. Lee. "She likes me more than you," she said as she stuck her tongue out at the older woman.

"Oh hush," Mrs. Lee said as she tsked softly while gently touching my back. "She only likes you more than me at the moment but she'll quickly come back to her Grana when she realizes that I have candy," she stated.

"Candy?" I asked as I perked up slightly while looking back at Mrs. Lee. "I want candy please Grana," I begged as I reached for her.

"Give me a hug and I'll give you some candy," she said with a small smile on her lips. I hugged her tightly as I grinned up at her. She handed me a peace of candy from her purse and I quickly unwrapped it. I popped it into my mouth and smiled at the flavor of raspberry.

"Thank you for the Jolly Rancher," I said as I looked up at her and hugged her again. I went back to Lillian and hugged her tightly with a grin. She leaned down and kissed the top of my head. I perked up when the elevator door opened and walked out of it. Lillian grabbed my hand and I whined, looking back at her. I sucked on my candy as I followed after her, a grin on my lips. She led me to a big office room and opened it up. 

"I'll set up a little fort for her to have a picnic," Mrs. Lee said as she smiled and walked past Lillian and me. I smiled happily as I sipped from my sippy cup, watching her set up the fort. I sat down on the floor and watched her, crossing my legs. I got up once she was done and went to the fort, crawling into it.

"You can go now peasant, I am going to eat my lunch," I said as I waved her away. I giggled when she rolled her eyes and walked away from me. Lillian crouched down in front of me and smiled softly.

"If you are thirsty there are some juice boxes in the picnic basket and the bathroom is right there if you have to go potty," she stated as she pointed out the bathroom to me. I nodded as Mrs. Lee set up a movie for me to watch.

"I want to watch Lady and the Tramp," I said as I lay down on my stomach, looking at the television with a grin on my lips. 

"Alright," Mrs. Lee said as she started Lady and the Tramp for me and I grinned, clapping my hands together happily. I kicked my legs happily as I looked at what I had to eat, grabbing a sandwich out of the picnic basket. I took a bite from it as I stared at the television, humming happily.

"Be good," Lillian said as she kissed the top of my head before they left. I stuck my tongue out as they left, giggling softly as I kept eating. I opened a small bag of chips and took a chip out of the bag, alternating between eating it and my sandwich.

"I will be good..kind of," I shrugged as I took a drink from my sippy cup, a small smile on my lips. I sat my sippy cup down and continued to eat my lunch. I was happy to finally get to eat my lunch and to watch movies while pretending to be good. I figured I could get a stuffie out of it at the very least by pretending to behave.

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