Chapter 38

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I closed my eyes tightly and tried to ignore the flashing lights, hiding my face into Lillian's shoulder. The bright lights hurt my eyes and Lillian seemed more than happy to let me cling to her. Markus spoke to the police officers about doing a look through my house before he went to check out his own house.

I knew that no matter what they found that I would never feel comfortable in my home again. The mere idea of someone being in my house and violating my privacy made me feel sick. Lillian rubbed my back as she spoke soft words of comfort. It did nothing for my nerves, however I appreciated her for trying.

"Look who I found waiting in the house like a good girl," Markus said as he walked back to us with Burma at his side. He opened the car door and Burma jumped in, landing on Rosabelle's paw which made her yelp. The two tried to tackle each other in the small space of the backseat as Markus shut the car door.

"Those two brats are going to tear up my car," Lillian muttered, making me giggle softly. She gave me a fake stern look when I giggled which only made me giggle harder. Markus pulled me away from her and hid me behind him.

"You leave her alone Lillian too many names for your own good Wolf," Markus said, clearly teasing her about her two middle names. He turned away from her to shield us both from her glares. I was snapped out of my small moment of enjoyment when one of the cops approached. I looked at the cop quietly, clinging to Markus' shirt.

"We found signs of a struggle in the living room. There was a shoe in there with blood on it. It seems that your dog was determined to take a chunk out of the intruder and got some minor injuries from the scuffle," the cop stated.

"Is he alright? My dog that is?" I questioned with a frown. Markus' hand rested on my lower back as he tried to comfort me.

"As I said, he has some minor injuries from what looks like glass shards. Might be best if you take him to the veterinarian to make sure every piece gets removed. We can do some blood tests to see who exactly was in your home if you would like?" the officer asked to which I nodded.

"Our house was also broken into. It is the one just to the left of this house," Markus said as Diego came bursting from the house and beelined straight to me. He nearly tackled me except for the fact that Markus still had his hand on my back.

"Diego," I said as I bent down and allowed him to lick all over my face. He whined softly as his tail wagged quickly, my attention being drawn when I heard one of the cop cars leave. I watched the car go left and knew that it was going to be at the Wolf's.

"I will never feel safe in my own house again," I muttered to Lillian who approached me, hugging me closely as I stood up. I buried my head into her shoulder with a small frown.

"We can go away for a little bit, go stay in Markus and I's vacation home," Lillian informed me as her hand scratched my back slightly.

"Really?" I questioned to which Lillian nodded her head. "That would be nice," I murmured as I looked down at Diego before looking at Lillian pleadingly.

"I am afraid we only have two leashes that clip into the seat belts so Diego will have to ride in the kennel in the back of Markus' car. For his safety of course," Lillian informed me, making Diego whine as he pushed into my leg.

"Sorry boy, looks like that is how it is going to have to be. I want you to be safe plus Markus can take you to the vet," I stated as I saw the little cuts on his muzzle and knew that there had to be more that I could not see.

"Yeah, come on boy. Let us go see if we can get my car from the garage. Plus we can get some burgers afterwards," Markus stated as he started walking. Diego hurried after him at the mention of burgers.

"We will wait around a bit to see if Markus can actually get his car since we have been broken into. I also imagine that Markus and I will have to note if anything is taken and you will probably have to do the same," Lillian informed me as she waved a cop over. I barely paid attention to them as they spoke but heard that I would have to come look to see if anything was taken before I could go. Lillian got a text from Markus saying that he was doing the same thing and then he would take Diego straight to the vet.

I entered my house in a haze, surprised that not much was gone downstairs. I went up stairs and noted that my jewelry box had been raided and the ring my grandparents had gifted me was gone. The family ring that normally rested in my clothes drawer was also gone as well. So were some documents that I kept in my nightstand. Those were the only things that I could tell were gone so I was soon back in Lillian's arms, my head buried into her breasts.

Once Lillian got the all clear from the cops, she led me to the passenger side of the car. "Are you feeling big or little love?" she questioned. I looked up at her tiredly as I clung to her shirt. I could see that she had already secured Burma and Rosabelle in the backseat so they would not be able to climb all over me even if I chose the backseat.

"'m feeling big right now," I answered quietly as I felt a wave of sadness rush over me. I had lost the family ring because I left it outside of a locked safe and I just knew that my grandparents would have been so disappointed in me for that. Lillian opened the passenger door, helping me in. I tried to buckle myself in but with my shaking hands and teary eyes it was impossible. Lillian reached over me and buckled me in before shutting the door.

As soon as Lillian got in the car and shut the door I burst into sobs now that we were alone. She shushed me as she turned my head to look at her. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I barely contained my sobs.

"It will be okay Cassidy, I promise. Mark my words, no one messes with the Wolf's little pup," she said and it was so cheesy that I had to giggle. She leaned over and kissed my forehead, wiping away my tears.

"That was the cheesiest thing that I have ever heard Mrs. Lillian Wolf," I said with a small smile as she looked down at me with a grin.

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