Chapter 56

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I had spent the better part of a week thinking about selling my business. I still wasn't very sure about it though. Markus hadn't pressured me though, in fact neither him nor Lillian brought it up again. I had weighed the pros and cons a lot but I hadn't come to a decision just yet.

Today I wasn't thinking about that though, I had a playdate with Jackson at his house. I had been declared well enough to get to have my playdate so I was super excited. I was very close to slipping and Lillian knew it based on the looks she kept giving me as I watched her get ready.

"Cassie, go get dressed," Lillian encourages. I shake my head, watching as she curls her hair. She just did that some days, often being unable to decide if she should curl it or straighten it. I kind of wanted her to do my hair but I hadn't asked her to do that just yet.

"Cassidy, you need to go get dressed for your playdate," Mommy says with her serious tone. I pout as I get up, stomping out of her room. I did want to go to my playdate but I didn't want her telling me what to do.

I end up in my nursery, taking my nightgown off and throwing it on the floor as I look through the drawers. I tried to put on a dress but it had to be buttoned up so I gave up after a while of trying to button it and laid down on the floor. My face was just against the carpet for a while until I felt hands slip under me and pull me up.

I became dead weight immediately, refusing to do anything to help as I glance back. Mommy has a hold of me and she raises an eyebrow when she sees me looking at her. I huff as I reluctantly wriggle out of her hold and stand up.

"You are not wearing this," Mommy says as she tugs the dress I had halfway put on all the way off me.

"Why?" I whine.

"For one, it has built-in shorts which is why you can't put it on over your head and for two, it has buttons. If you have to go potty you will end up having an accident with all these buttons," Mommy states.

"Well then why did you get it for me?" I ask sassily as I put my hands on my hips while looking her in the eyes.

"Because this is for when you regress very little and I have to dress you in something that helps you look adult when you have work stuff to do," Mommy states as she folds the dress up. "I'll help you with something else," she says as she puts the dress into my dresser.

"Hurry," I whine as I stand there, looking at her with a pout.

"How about a romper?" Mommy suggests. I nod before she finishes asking cause I just want to get ready and go to Jackson's to play. Mommy chuckles as she bunches up a romper, bending down. I go to step into it but she hesitates. "Do you want to put a pullup on?" she asks.

"No Mommy, I'll be fine," I tell her as I wave away her concern quickly.

"Okay," Mommy says as she lets me step into the romper before pulling it up. She helps slide the straps up onto my shoulders before looking me over. "What shoes are we wearing today?" she asks. The question makes me pause because I hadn't thought about what shoes I would be wearing at all.

"I don't know," I say with a frown. Mommy shakes her head as she moves over to a shoe rack, picking out a pair of flip flops. I smile as she sets them down and quickly step into them. "We go now?" I ask.

"Not just yet. We still need to do your hair," Mommy says. I sigh as I bow my head in defeat, shuffling out of my nursery and to her room. She follows behind me with an amused chuckle as I sit on the bed with my back to her.

Mommy comes over after a minute and starts to brush through my hair. She doesn't do it like I usually do. She is nice and gentle whereas I usually just rip the brush through it and be done. Mommy takes forever to brush it out and then she pulls it back into a ponytail.

"Don't need your help," I huff as I push her hands away from my ponytail, turning around to look at her. Mommy tilts her head to the side just slightly as she narrows her eyes, a small frown on her lips. I quickly get off the bed and walk past her. If I didn't stay in there then she couldn't punish me for pushing her hands away.

I hurry down the stairs, running into Daddy at the bottom of them. He came home from work for lunch and was getting ready to go back to work. I had slept really late today and so had Mommy so we were running behind.

"Daddy, save me," I say as I jump onto his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands move back and grab my legs to keep me from falling or accidentally choking him.

"Save you from what? You just tried to kill me," Daddy huffs as I rest my head on my arm and tilt my head to rest it against his.

"From Mommy, duh," I huff as I roll my eyes. He was silly for not knowing that.

"Oh forgive me," Daddy chuckles as I move my arms off of him so that only his hands are supporting me. He carefully drops me which I'm fine with because then I can run away quicker from Mommy.

"Cassidy, go load up if you want to go to Jackson's," Mommy calls and I look at the front door before running to it, opening it and running outside. I ran to Mommy's car, trying to get in the front seat.

"Little miss, you know you're sitting in your booster seat," Daddy says as he shuts the door behind him. I whine but don't fuss right now, I'm just so excited to see Jackson. I open the door and climb into the back of the car, sitting in my booster seat. I'm so excited I forget to buckle myself up but Daddy does that for me and talks with me while I wait for Mommy.

She finally comes outside and I'm so excited. This is going to be the best playdate ever!

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