Chapter 40

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I woke up to a heavy feeling in my bladder and squirmed slightly, sitting up from wherever I had been napping. I rubbed my eyes, whining softly as I pressed my legs together. I really had to go potty but I didn't want to get up, I was just so sleepy.

"Well hello to you too," Lillian joked as she looked at me from where she was sitting on the couch. She watched me squirm for a moment before she seemed to understand what was going on. "Let's go potty baby," she cooed as she got up, walking over to me as she gently lifted me up. I buried my face into her shoulder as she carried me down the hallway, pausing for a moment. She continued to move after a second and stood me up, leaving me standing in front of the toilet. "I'll be right in the hallway waiting for you," she reassured me as she left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her.

I squirmed as I pulled my leggings and pullup down, whimpering softly at the pain in my bladder as I sat down. I sighed in relief as I emptied my bladder, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I wiped myself and flushed the toilet, going to wash my hands after pulling my pullup and leggings back up. I scrubbed with soap and hot water before wiping my hands on the washrag that was hanging up. I opened the door, going to Lillian as I held my arms up.

"C'mere baby," she said as she lifted me up. I felt numb to everything at the moment, everything except her. I was so tired and I couldn't make myself speak, the words got caught in my throat every single time. I just latched onto her, my legs wrapped around her waist as she rubbed my back. "Can you tell Mommy why you're so cuddly right now?" she teased gently.

I stared up at her for a second before pushing my head in the nape of her neck, tightening my grip on her. I couldn't tell her why I was so clingy, I wanted to but I just couldn't. I couldn't even tell her why I couldn't talk at all either. Tears ran down my face and I felt her hand move from my back to gently touch my face, her fingers touching the tears that ran down my face.

"Oh baby, I think you're in shock," she whispered as she held me close. She carried me into the kitchen, sitting me at the table as she got a sippy cup down from one of the cabinets. She filled it with ice and water, giving it to me. I took a sip from it, relishing the feeling of the cold water. "Mommy's going to go make a call, can you stay here?" she questioned to which I nodded.

She left the room and I watched after her, holding my sippy cup tightly. The cold water made my throat feel nice. I nursed from the sippy cup, sliding down in my seat as I drank the cold water. I listened to the sound of my breathing and heard Lillian's voice down the hall. I couldn't discern what she was saying but I didn't really care.

I waited for her to come back and she sat down next to me, gently running pulling me close. I leaned into her touch as she let me tuck my head into her neck. I relished the darkness as we sat in silence, her hand running through my hair.

"I know you've been through a lot today, I think it's put you into psychological shock," Lillian said as her head rested on top of mine slightly. "I was calling a doctor friend of mine and they said that the only thing I could do to help you was to be there for you and listen when you talk. So I'm not going to try and get you to talk, I know that would just be more upsetting but I did just want you to know that I will listen if you decide to talk to me about it," she informed me. I nodded simply, pushing my head farther into the nape of her neck.

I sat quietly on her lap, bringing my sippy cup to drink from it. Lillian flinched when the cold cup made contact with her neck. I drank from it quietly, feeling her shift slightly so that my sippy cup wasn't pressing into her skin. I put my sippy cup down after a moment as I curled into her. My stomach growled softly which caught her attention.

"How about we get some dinner started?" she suggested as she stood up, resting me on her hip. I wrapped my arm around her neck to cling to her as she carried me to the counter. "Mmm, the house isn't stocked with much since this is a vacation home. I think we have some dino nuggets and French fries, does that sound good?" she questioned. I nodded my head as she sat me on the counter.

I watched as she got the nuggets and fries out of the freezer, putting them on a tray. She spread them out before putting the tray in the oven. She turned it on, messing with the settings for a moment before she came back to me. I kicked my legs back and forth slightly as I watched her.

"Daddy wanted to video call you, he decided to stay in a hotel back in town because they're keeping Diego overnight to monitor him to make sure they got all the glass out," Mommy said as she smiled softly at me. "Do you feel up to video calling him?" she questioned as she stood in front of me, gently running her fingers through my hair.

I nodded my head, accepting the phone when she handed it to me. She pulled up his number and I noticed his contact was saved as 'Pain in my ass'. She called him and it rang for a few seconds before he answered. Mommy sat on the counter next to me, letting my head rest on her shoulder.

"Well hello to you two," Daddy said once he answered the phone. I smiled at him as Mommy helped steady my hand so that he could see both of us.

"Hello Markus," Mommy said as she smiled softly. "How is Diego?" she questioned. That caught my attention and I looked at him with a hopeful expression.

"He's good. I sat with him while they removed the glass but they were concerned about some remaining in his legs and stomach area so they kept him overnight for observation. He also peed on my shoes which I'm still upset about," Daddy said. A small giggle escaped me and my chest felt a little lighter.

"You have other pairs of shoes," Mommy rolled her eyes as she looked at me, a soft smile on her lips.

"But they were my favorite Lilly," Daddy huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, his phone propped up against something. "Cassidy, you have to pay me back because your dog ruined my shoes. Your payment can be giving Mommy a kiss goodnight for me since I'm not there," he said. I smiled softly as I lifted my head up and kissed Mommy's cheek gently.

"Thank you baby," Mommy said as she kissed the top of my forehead. "Your dogs aren't much better behaved Markus, they broke one of the baby gates to get into the living room," she stated.

"The baby gate shouldn't have been in their way," Daddy said simply as he shrugged his shoulders. "My dogs are angels," he huffed as he crossed his arms. "If you continue with this slander I will hang up on you," he stuck his tongue.

"No you won't and I stand by the fact that your dogs are brats," Mommy said, rolling her eyes when he hung up on us. "So sensitive about his dogs," she laughed as she smiled softly. "Speaking of the dogs, they're due to be spayed in a couple days now that they're two years old. Markus is going to enjoy that car ride," she muttered sarcastically.

I was still waiting on Diego to be full grown before I took him to get neutered. He was only a year and 3 months old so he still had a couple months to go. I wondered if Markus would take him to that vet appointment for me. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the oven going off, Mommy getting off the counter to get the food out of the oven.

She waited a couple minutes for them to cool off before she made me a plate of nuggets and fries. She sat the plate at the table, going to the fridge. "Do you want barbeque sauce?" she asked me. I nodded my head as I slid off the counter, my feet hitting the tile floor lightly. I padded to the kitchen table as she brought some barbeque sauces to the table to allow me to pick one.

Once I selected the barbeque I wanted she put it on my plate. She made me wait a couple more minutes before I could eat. I took a bite of a dino nugget, a small frown on my lips. I could only stomach about two nuggets and some fries before I felt full. I pushed the plate away and noticed Mommy's frown.

"You done?" she questioned softly. I nodded and she picked the plate up, putting it in the refrigerator to presumably save for later. She lifted me up, carrying me out of the kitchen after grabbing my sippy cup. She carried me upstairs and sat me in the bed, sitting with me. I buried my face into her chest as I took my sippy cup, taking a long sip from it. I closed my eyes, nursing from the sippy cup happily. "My sweet girl," she cooed as I drifted off to sleep, a small sleepy whine escaping me when she patted my bottom.

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