Chapter 20

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I stayed curled into Lillian as she spoke to her mother about things. I just half way listened but most of the time I was looking around the mall with a curious gaze. Everything looked so bright and shiny and I wanted to touch it all.

I frowned when we went into a store and my view was blocked making me whine. "Shhh," Lillian hushed me as she tucked my head into her neck. That bothered me even more so I pushed against her chest roughly and stared at her with a frown. "Someone needs a nap," she said.

"No! I already had two today," I objected quickly while smacking her chest lightly.

"We do not smack," Lillian said sternly as she frowned at me. She set me down making me whine as I looked around, clinging to her. "No. You chose to be rude and hurtful so now you get to walk like a big girl," she said. I opened my mouth to protest only for her to raise an eyebrow. "Don't you dare protest. I am still being nice enough to let you get a toy, do not test me," she ordered making me frown.

I kicked the ground as she held my hand while walking through the aisles. I didn't care enough to look at anything as we walked. "Meanie," I muttered making her pause. She crouched down to look me in the eyes, making me squirm around nervously.

"I'm a meanie?" she asked. I nodded as I avoided eye contact. "Well then I guess you don't want a toy since I'm a meanie," she said making me stomp my foot out of frustration as tears pricked my eyes. I sniffled as she straightened up and started walking down the aisles again.

"Oh darling," I heard Mrs. Diangelo say and I felt her arms wrap around me. She kissed my forehead while cooing softly. "It's okay," she murmured softly while wiping my tears away with her fingers.

"I...I wants a toy," I murmured softly making her sigh.

"I know," she said while placing her hand on my back. I frowned as Lillian stopped walking and looked between the shelves. I stared at the ground, still upset over not getting a toy.

"What do you think of these options Cassidy?" Lillian asked making me look up. She was staring at me with a raised eyebrow and gestured to the shelves. I looked at the shelves and shrugged making her sigh. "Well pick some," she said as she got her phone out. I pointed to a set of Tangled pull ups making her snap a photo of it. I frowned and pointed out a Lady and the Tramp pull ups, her doing the same thing and taking the photo.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a frown on my lips.

"Taking photos. This place has the cutest protection designs but they're for children. And sadly you do not have the body of a child," she said. "So I will send the photos to a friend of mine who makes custom stuff for littles," she told me. I nodded as I moved onto the diapers. I found some Beauty and the Beast as well as some Sleeping Beauty diapers which I happily pointed out. "I think that's a good start. Would you prefer cloth or disposable?" she asked.

"I dunno," I shrugged making her sigh with a frown.

"It would be nice if you did know," she said while rubbing my back. "I suppose I'll just request both and you can pick out which ones you want to wear on any given day," she stated. I nodded, still upset over being told I wouldn't get a toy.

"I don't think the little one is happy with you Lillian," Mrs. Diangelo said making Lillian look at me. I frowned and looked away, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Why is that?" Lillian asked as she crouched down, putting her phone in her pocket. She took my hands in hers and I backed away, hiding behind Mrs. Diangelo.

"I believe it's the lack of toy," she told Lillian while pulling me in front of her, letting me hide my face into her chest.

"Is that it?" Lillian asked as she pulled me back to look at me. I stuck my tongue out before turning away. "Cassidy I was kidding about not getting you a toy. It was just a little joke," she said.

"Mean joke," I stated while frowning at her. "Mean joke from a meanie," I said as I squirmed away.

"Cassidy," Lillian sighed as I walked away. "You can't just run off missy," she said as she followed me, grabbing my hand. In retaliation I just sat on the ground, refusing to move with a frown. "Cassidy get up," she said.

I shook my head and to spite her, I laid down on the floor with a frown. "Get up," Mrs. Diangelo said as she walked over and got down on her knees, trying to pull me. I flopped back down and frowned at her with a glare.

"Cassidy," Lillian sighed as she leaned down, pulling me up and smacking my bottom lightly. "Throwing a fit is not okay," she stated while staring me in the eyes.

"I want toy you meanie," I said while squirming. Her smack didn't even hurt cause I was wearing a diaper which the dummy obviously forgot.

"And you will get one once you stop acting like a brat," she told me. I frowned and nodded, watching her closely as we walked around the aisles. I was going to get a toy today, no one could stop me.

I reached out and grabbed a stuffed lion that had a pacifier attached to it. I held it up to Lillian's face making her stop walking. "Want this," I stated making her use her free hand to pull it down.

"Okay," she said as she took it and we walked to the checkout. She bought it for me and then handed it to me. I held it close and smiled softly as I nuzzled it close with a happy giggle.

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