Chapter 24

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So I will be doing mass updates again, all within a few minutes of each other because it's easier for me to remember which story needs to be updated and that way, you all have to wait the same out of time on each story for me to upload it

*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I entered my house quickly and ran upstairs to my room, ignoring Diego who was right at my heels. I packed an overnight bag and grabbed my favorite pillow since I figured I would be sleeping over. I got an over sized t-shirt as well as my phone charger just in case I would need it. I didn't bother to grab pants because who wears pants when you could sleep in an over sized t-shirt and a diaper?

"Dieg I'm gonna have so much fun at Miss Lillian's place. We're gonna watch Balto," I said as I carried my bag downstairs and set it by the door. I put on some ballet shoes and refilled his food and water dishes. I went to the living room and turned on the tv which made him excited so he got on the couch. "I'm putting on Alpha and Omega so you can see Kate but I swear if you hump my couch arm you'll never see your little girlfriend again," I told him making him whine. I turned the lights off and left him with his movie, double checking that all the dog doors were unlocked.

I grabbed my bag and left the house, going over to the gate and opening it. I slipped through and ran to Lillian and Markus's house, knocking on the door. I was surprised when Markus opened the door but shrugged it off and smiled at him. "Come in little one," he said making me smile as I nodded my head. I slipped past him into the house and looked at him for what I was supposed to do next.

"Lillian is setting the movie up. She wanted you to go ahead and change into your pajamas so that way we can have a movie marathon and not have to worry about changing you if you become little or fall asleep," Markus explained as he guided me to the bathroom. I nodded and went in there, closing the door behind me. I took my top and skirt off, putting them in my bag so I wouldn't forget them when I left. I sighed as I took my bra off, finding relief now that my breasts weren't being held in place by some fabric and metal torture device. I pulled my Lilo and Stitch shirt on, smiling at the light pink color of it.

I grabbed my bag and exited the bathroom heading to the living room. I smiled when I saw Lillian and Markus already on the couch. I hurried over to them and climbed in between them, halfway sitting on both of their laps. 

"Where are your pants little missy?" Lillian asked as she patted my bottom. I looked up at her and giggled before turning my attention to the trailers playing before Balto.

"I don't need pants. No need to sleep in pants when you are wearing diaper and big t-shirt," I told her as I felt myself start to regress slightly. Markus covered all three of us with our own blankets. I gladly accepted the baby blue blanket, rubbing it against my face slightly with a smile. 

"She has a point," Markus told Lillian making me beam at him happily. "This little one is very convincing," he said as he reached over to the coffee table and pulled a bowl over to his lap. He reached into the bowl and handed me some popcorn. I popped a few pieces into my mouth and munched on them as Balto started. 

"I know why do you think I have already bought a bunch of stuff to make her a little room here," Lillian said making me glance at her. She was clearly waiting for a reaction but I just hushed her and turned my attention back to the movie with a smile. Her hand rubbed my back as Markus occasionally gave me popcorn to munch on. I felt myself start to get sleepy towards the end of the movie and rested my head on his lap while continuing to watch the movie. Lillian got up and came back with a warm sippy cup of milk which I happily accepted. I nursed on it for a bit before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up laying in between Markus and Lillian on the couch. I felt Lillian's hands holding me close, her hand patting my bottom as I hummed softly. I realized she was doing it subconsciously when I turned over and she was asleep. I smiled and kissed her cheek gently as I wriggled out of her hold. I got out bed before leaving their room, a destination in mind. I entered the room and shut the door behind me, turning on the low lights.

"Hey girls," I smiled at Rosabelle and Burma letting the two German Shepherds out of their kennels. Burma was a beautiful black coated dog while Rosabelle had the typical brown and black coat of a German Shepherd. I sat down and pet them gently as they sniffed me all over before going to play with their toys. I huffed at their rudeness as I lay down on the floor. 

It took a little bit but Burma finally came over to me and laid down, putting her head on my stomach. I smiled softly as I pet her with a small smile on my lips. "So pretty," I murmured  as my hands gently played with her fur. Rosabelle came over and joined Burma, putting her head on my chest. I used my free hand to pet her so that both dogs were getting an equal amount of love. I loved on them as they cuddled me, gently licking my hands with a look of happiness in their eyes. I fell asleep like that with a small smile on my lips, my hands resting on their heads.

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