Chapter 26

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My thought process is so derailed, like I can hardly focus on anything. It's fine though because a few days of just clearing my mind helped so I can continue writing again. I still am trying to decide on whether to continue updates like this or do longer ones with less frequent updates.

Also does anyone else just feel like starting a bunch of stories but then you know that you could never update them all fairly for everyone to enjoy. That seems to be my issue because my mind runs rampant with story ideas but I can never actually start writing them all because it wouldn't be fair to all of you who read my stories to have to wait for me to update them all.

*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I frowned as I looked at Lillian for a reason. Lillian caught on to the fact I was wondering what was going on and simply shrugged as she shut the door carefully behind. I struggled against her hold and she sat me down, holding my hand gently. I pulled my hand out of her hold and ran around the side of the house. 

"Where are you going Cassidy?" Lillian asked in a hushed whispered as she followed after me. Her hand kept trying to grab my shirt and she finally managed to grab me after I had gotten about halfway down the house. "Did you forget that you don't have any pants on and are just in your diaper and a shirt?" she asked making me look down with a blush on my cheeks.

"Yeah. I want to know why Markus wanted us to go out here though," I said making her shake her head as she picked me up. 

"If Markus asked us to go outside than it was for a reason," Lillian stated making me frown. "If you need to see what is going on that badly than we will look through the window and you will have your answer," she said as she sighed softly.

"Alright," I nodded my head as she carefully walked through the grass to one of the big windows of their house. It looked into the living room and luckily the blinds were up so that we could see inside. I paused as I took a shakey breath, my eyes closing.

"What's wrong baby?" Lillian asked as she gently kissed my forehead. She held me close as she walked away from the window, a concerned look on her face.

"That's...that's my brother in there," I muttered as I clung to Lillian, my breath coming out in labored pants as I closed my eyes. I hid my face into her neck as tears pricked my eyes. I could feel my scar start to burn and throb at the memories just seeing him had brought back.

"Oh baby," Lillian said as she rocked me slowly while humming. I could feel the vibrations from her chest as she hummed, the melodic tune and the rocking slowly calming me down.

"Why's he here? He shouldn't be here. How why?" I asked as I started to get worked up the moment that questions came out of my mouth. Lillian shushed me as she walked around the side of the house, carrying me to the gate that connected our property. She pulled it open with ease which made me pout. "I always struggle getting that thing open," I muttered making her chuckle.

"Well I'm a mommy so obviously I'm much stronger than you," Lillian said as she closed the gate behind her, walking to my house. Lillian tried my front door and it opened up making her frown. "Baby you have to lock your doors when you leave the house to go somewhere else," she stated making me look down with a frown on my lips.

"I'm sorry, I forgot," I said as I snuggled into her. Her hand patted my bottom lightly as she shut the door and locked it, carrying me to the living room. She sat me down on the couch, my body becoming dead weight as I fell back. I whined when Diego nipped the top of my head seeing as I had fallen back against him. He licked my cheek as he squirmed until he was halfway off the couch before jumping the rest of the way off. 

"Are you thirsty darling?" Lillian asked as she tapped my stomach making me squeal and giggle softly. "Oh are you ticklish?" she asked as she tickled my stomach lightly.

"No, I'm not ticklish," I said with a pout as I squirmed away, crossing my arms over my chest. I could feel myself start to slip into littlespace and I didn't fight it, knowing that it would just mean that I would slip a lot harder later. "I do want something to drink. I wants juice please. Ooh and I wants a coloring book," I stated as I smiled at her.

"A coloring book isn't a drink little girl," Lillian teased making me giggle softly. "I'll get you a coloring book if you tell me where they are at," Lillian stated as she grinned down at me.

"They're in the stand under the TV. There's also markers and crayons under there," I told her as I sat up, sliding off the couch and sitting in the floor in front of the coffee table.

"You can't walk the ten feet to go get them and than come back?" Lillian asked rhetorically. I shook my head exaggeratedly as I pouted at her. "I was kidding darling, I'll go get you your crayons and markers," she said as she walked over to the TV stand and opened up the little cabinet. She grabbed one of my many purple coloring books before grabbing two baskets, one full of crayons and one full of markers. As she brought them over I saw that the coloring book was one of my dog themed ones. 

"Puppy," I squealed as she sat the coloring book down in front of me. I opened it up and flipped to a random page that had three dalmatian puppies in a basket. "Pretty," I said as I grabbed a crayon and started to color in the spots with a blue crayon.

"You're doing so good," she said as she ruffled my hair while sitting down behind me. "Right, your drink," she said as she got up, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. "I'll go get that darling. What type of juice do you have?" she asked.

"I have apple and grape and I wants grape juice," I told her as she walked through the living room to the threshold of the living room. 

"Alright darling, grape juice it is," she stated as she left the room completely. I kept coloring as I waited for my juice, my tongue sticking out of my mouth slightly as I colored. I looked up when she came back, setting my blue and pink sippy cup down in front of me. I picked it up and started to drink from it as I took a break from coloring, my hand hurting slightly. I flinched when there was a knock on the door and slid down to the floor with a small sniffle escaping me.

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