Chapter 10

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I sighed as I rubbed my forehead, feeling myself getting overwhelmed from all of the work. I jumped when I heard my phone ping, indicating that I had gotten a message making me open my phone to see an unsaved number. I knew it was Mrs. Wolf because we had talked before over text a few times. I sighed as I read over her text.

'Hey, I know you wear diapers and like pacis but what's your headspace age?' her text read.

'It's usually around 4-6. Why do you ask?' I replied as I tapped my fingers on the desk slightly waiting for her response.

'4-6? Why do you wear diapers then,' she texted making me roll my eyes. 'If you don't mind me asking,' she added.

'I like them,' I replied with a small snort as I rolled my eyes. 'There's not a certain age. I'm allowed to like what I want at any headspace age. There's nothing that says what I can and can't wear or like at an age,' I added, typing quickly to make sure I said something before she did.

'I never said you couldn't. I was just curious,' she replied.  'Don't get hostile because I asked a question,' I could almost here her voice through the phone.

'Whatever,' I snorted as sent the text, putting my phone down. I jumped when a few moments later I got a call. I sighed when I saw the number and answered it. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Cassidy, I wasn't trying to offend you at all. I was just curious as to why you wore diapers and liked pacis. I'm not against it, I was just trying to understand what their appeal was to you," Mrs. Wolf explained making me chuckle.

"You didn't offend me. I understand it's not exactly the norm for a 4 to 6 year old to wear or like," I said as I rolled my eyes slightly.

"I'm glad you understand," Mrs. Wolf said. "I was wondering if when you get off, if I'm not already off, if you would swing by our office building?" she asked.

"Yeah, I will," I replied with a small smile. 

"Great see you then...and maybe we could start tonight?" she asked hesitantly making me think about it.

"Alright, we can start tonight," I agreed, pulling my phone away when I heard a squeal from the other side of the phone.

"Excuse me, I need a little time to compose myself," she said as she seemed to set the phone down. "She agreed, she agreed," she seemed to be chanting to herself.

"You know you're not muted right?" I asked, almost hearing her freeze in place before picking the phone up.

"You heard nothing," she said, clearing her throat. "You tell anyone about this and I will make Amelia show me your baby pics," she said making me roll my eyes,

"Well then I won't have to be your little," I pointed out.

"You don't have to be my little, all we asked was for you to take a break," she replied. "Unless you want to be my little because I'm perfectly fine with that," she said.

"Nope, I'm good. I'd like to remain caregiver less," I said. "Besides not having a caregiver isn't so bad, I get to go to bed when I want, wake up when I want, eat when and what I want," I smiled as I leaned back in my office chair with a small smirk.

"Would you say that your eating habits are unhealthy? As well as your sleeping ones?" she asked.

"Not unhealthy per say but not exactly healthy. There's a fine line in between the two and I walk it quite well," I said as I grinned softly.

"I'm telling Amelia to get you on a healthier lifestyle. I'm not doing it cause I want you to like me," she said making me laugh.

"Good luck with that. I find everyone annoying, even her and you," I replied as I spun around in my chair slightly while watching the walls blur together.

"Yeah, Amelia hinted at that. You find a lot of things annoying," she said making me smile.

"Good you know where you stand with me then. And that's probably where you will always stand," I said as I got up once I was done spinning and wobbled around the room before flopping to the floor. I sat there for a moment before getting up. "I'm going to go ahead and come over," I said.

"Alright I'll let the front desk know that I have you coming over. They'll either send you to my office or Markus. If you get sent to Markus' office then just ask him where mine is and he'll send you there," she said. "I'll hang up now so that you aren't on the phone while on your way over here," she said before I heard the dial tone indicating that she had hung up.

"Rude, she didn't even say goodbye," I said as I fixed my outfit before leaving my office. I struggled with my heels but managed to fix them while I was still walking. I texted her and let her know how rude she was for not saying goodbye before hanging up.

'I'm sorry, I didn't realize you needed me to say goodbye,' she texted back making me pout.

'Well then I guess you don't know simple manners,' I replied as I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my pocket. I rode the elevator down and headed outside. Once I got to my car, I unlocked it and got inside. I hooked my phone up to it and put on music before pulling out of my parking space and starting the drive to the Wolf's law firm. Their law firm wasn't far but it wasn't a short jog away either. "I hate driving, I need to get a chauffeur," I murmured making a mental note as I promised myself to look into it very soon. "Get your head in the game," I shook my head with a small sigh as I focused on the road ahead of me.

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