Chapter 25

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Mass update again. So the story ideas I posted a while ago well I started a book called Caste to Class based off the third idea. Would appreciate if you all gave it a read. Also my dog is such a baby. I can be looking at my phone and he'll be across the room and if I say 'Aww that's so cute,' he'll come running over and jump onto me just so I have to pay attention to him and pet him. I give him attention all the time and he acts like he gets none.

Also my birthday is today.

*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I woke up to a hand touching my shoulder, my eyes snapping open. I took a deep breath as it took a moment for my eyes to adjust. I looked around in confusion before I remembered that I had went into the dog's room last night and fallen asleep.

"What are you doing down here angel?" Markus asked as he scooped me up. I shrugged as I cuddled into him tiredly, not feeling up to giving verbal answers to any question. "Can I hear that pretty voice of yours?" he questioned.

"Nooooo," I whined as I turned over and hid my face with my hands. His chest vibrated as he chuckled while rocking me slightly. I frowned as I realized that I had talked when I didn't want to. "Dangs it," I said with a huff.

"Don't you just hate it when Markus is mean and makes you speak?" I heard Lillian ask and reached out for her with my eyes closed. I heard her chuckle as her hands slipped underneath me and she lifted me up. "You poor baby," she cooed at me as she checked my diaper. I was glad I hadn't wet it because then she really would have thought that I was a baby.

"I'm not a baby," I objected as I opened my eyes and glared at her with a frown. She still had a smile on her face which made me smack her arm with a huff. "Not a baby," I stated.

"Well you're certainly acting like one, thinking that you can hit me," she said, her voice being stern. Her hand smacked my bottom and I whined softly, tears pricking my eyes even though it didn't hurt. I was not a morning person when I was in littlespace and I was also extremely sensitive to things in the morning as well. I hiccuped as I pushed at her chest, wanting to get down. She hushed me as she bounced me slightly making me cry harder.

"Let go," I said as I pushed harder, tears falling down my face. "Don't like you, you're mean," I sobbed as I struggled more. She seemed to be able to sense every move I would make and held me closer, humming a soft lullaby as she pushed my face into the crook of her neck. I continued to hiccup and cry, slowly relaxing as I found the darkness to be comforting this early in the morning. 

"I'm so mean aren't I?" She asked making me nod as I wiped at my tears with the back of my hand. She grabbed my hand gently and pulled my face out of her neck. I whined as her fingers gently wiped my tears away as she hummed to me. I sniffled as she sat me down on a counter, leaving me there for a second as she went and got a paper towel. "Blow," she said as she brought the paper towel to me and put covered my nose with it. I blew my nose into it and she wiped my nose off gently before going to throw the paper towel away.

"Morning time is so hard isn't it?" Markus asked as he picked me up off the counter. I nodded my head as I rested my head on his shoulder, still sniffling softly. He sat me down in a booster seat which I didn't mind at all. He ruffled my hair as he went and got a plate, setting it down in front of me. On the plate was a cut up pancake and some bacon on the side. I smiled as he poured syrup over the pancake pieces and he was quite generous with the syrup.

"Thank you," I said softly with a small smile on my face as I picked up the fork he had given me. I happily started to eat, trying to not get too messy. I wanted to prove that I was not a baby who made messes. I finished the pancake off quickly before dipping my bacon in the syrup. I ate that slower, looking up when another plate was put next to mine. This plate had scrambled eggs on it with ketchup to the side. I looked up and smiled shyly at Lillian who sat down to eat next to me.

"I take it you're enjoying breakfast," she said making me nod. I dug into the eggs with a small smile as she gently pulled my hair back which now had syrup and some bits of food in it. "We are going to have to was your hair once you're done eating," she said making me nod. I kept eating as she kept my hair out of my face and away from my plate. I looked up to see what Markus was doing and was horrified by the sight of it. He was dipping his bacon into....ketchup. 

"That's gross," I told him making him look at me. He looked me directly in the eyes as he brought the bacon up to his mouth and took a bite out of it. I gagged and looked away as I tried to get that image out of my head. Lillian rubbed my back and convinced me to finish eating even though I felt sick at the idea of putting bacon and ketchup together.

"I know baby, the man likes weird food," Lillian said as she pulled me onto her lap and let me finish eating. Once I was done, she wiped my mouth off and kissed my cheek. "Silly girl, you got all messy," she cooed.

"Your husband is broken. You need a new one," I told her as I glared at Markus with a look of distrust. Anyone that liked ketchup with bacon was an enemy of mine from now on. I looked towards the hallway when the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it," Markus said as he got up, going to the door. I waited for him to come back and it took a bit but he did. "Lillian, take Cassidy out the back door," he said quietly when he came back making her get up. I was confused as to what was going on but just clung to Lillian as she carried me out of the back door.

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